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re 45"000$- iqmsß lñih
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úu,a ùrjxY wud;Hjrhd mqoa.,sl rEmjdysŒ kd,sldjl foaYmd,k ixjdohla i|yd ieriS meñ‚ lñih Y%S ,xld uqo,ska remsh,a 45"000la jk nj ckdêm;sjrK iufha§ iudc cd, fjí wvú u.ska yqjd olajkq ,eîh'

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zznqÿ wïfï oeka uf.a wÈk weÿï Tlafldu tl;= l<;a 45"000 la fjkafka kE' ug tal nh ke;=j lshkak mq¿jka' uu iqmsß me<eka;shlska wdj ñksfyla kï ug Th úfõpk lrkafka kEfka' uu fï .=rejrfhlaf.a fndfydu wysxil mjq,lska wdmq ukqiaifhla yskaofka wmsg .ykafka' wmsg nEfka fydog weÿula wÈkak' wmsg nEfka fydog fldKafv mSrkak' tajd wmsg whs;s kE' tajd whs;s f,dl= mjq,a j, whg' fïlfka fuhd, lshkafka'ZZ

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