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zW;hdg ia;+;shsZ
^14& iS.sß .sh ;reKsh
je,kaghska wdor mKsúvhla
legm;a mjqf¾ fldg,d

Bfha fmnrjdß 14 jkod fmïj;=kaf.a Èkh iurñka iS.sß ixpdrhl fhÿK ;reKshl ixrlaIs; legm;amjqr iQrñka kS;súfrdaë f,i wef.a fmï mKsúvhla igyka lsÍu ksid w;awvx.=jg m;aj ;sfnkjd'
je,kaghska Èkh ieuÍug hhs lshñka uvl,mqfõ isg meñKs fuu ;reKsh 

we;=¿ msßi legm;amjqr wi< Tn fudn ießirñka isáh§ tlajru w;;snqK lsishï m;=re lene,a,lska fuu mKsúvh fldgd we;'

weh tys fldgd we;af;a zW;hdZ kue;s wef.a fmïj;df.a ku;a z;EkalaiaZ^ia;+;shs& hk jpkh;ah'
;reKsh fï jpk legm;a mjqf¾ igyka lrñka isák wjia:dfõ krUkafkl= ±l we;s w;r mqrdúoHd ks,OdÍkag ±kaùfuka miq weh w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s nj
miqj ielldr ;re‚h oUq,a, fmd,sishg Ndr§ ;sfnkjd' 
legm;a mjqr w;.Eu ;ykï njg ;ykï ksfõokhla NdId ;%s;ajfhkau igyka lr ta wi< r|jd ;sfnk kuq;a fujeks jro kej; kej; fndfyda wjia:dj, isÿj we;' ld,fha legm;a mjqrg ydks lsÍfï fpdaokd u; uvl,mqj m%foaYfha mqoa.,hka y;r fofkl= w;awvx.=jg m;aj ;sîuo úfYaI;ajhls'

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