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lrdmsáfha wdmk Yd,dj úkdYhs
frdayf,a T!IO .nvdjlg;a ydks (photos)

lrdmsáh frdayf,a .skafkka tys wdmkYd,dj úkdY ù we;ehs frday,a wOHlaI ffjoH fI,agka fmf¾rd uy;d mjihs' Bg hdno j we;s mdß Y,H WmlrK .nvdfõ ;snQ WmlrKj,g o .skafkka yg.;a oeä riakh fya;=fjka ydkshla isÿj we;aoehs fidhd n,k nj o wOHlaI jrhd lshd isáfhah'

.skakg fya;=j úÿ,s ldkaÿjlahehs ielhla mej;sh o fmd,sia jd¾;dj ,efnk ;=re ta .ek ia:sr jYfhkau lsj fkdyels nj mejiQ wOHlaIjrhd jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfha isÿjQ ydksh .Kkh ler fkdue;s njhs' wdmk Yd,dj mj;ajdf.k hkafka fgkav¾ le|ùfuka mqoa.,sl wxYhg ,nd §fuks' tys ;snQ WmlrK ish,a, tu fgkav¾lrejd i;= WmlrK nj o frday,a wdrxÑ mjihs'

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