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cd;sl wdrla‍Idj ;¾ckhlajQ
w.ue;s rks,ag tfrysj jyd
úu¾YKhla wrUkq''
;‍%ia; úu¾YK tallhg

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w.ue;sjrhdf.a iuyr ;Skaÿ ;SrK fya;=fjka cd;sl wdrla‍Idj ;¾ckhg ,laj we;ehs Wka jykafia úiska lrk ,o meñKs,af,a oelafõ'

Wka jykafia fmkajd fokafka úfoaYslhka i|yd úfYaI wjirhlska f;drj W;=rg we;=,aùug wjir §u" W;=f¾ wê wdrla‍Is; l,dmfhka wlalr 1000la bj;a lsÍu" bkaÈhdfõ isák Y‍%S ,dxlsl fou< irKd.;hska hhs lshk úYd, msßila fmkaùug iQodkï ùu" *arkaÜ ,hska kï fldá ys;jd§ i`.rdjla uqod yeÍu wd§ ldrKd cd;sl wdrla‍Idj iïnkaOfhka ksis ie,ls,a,la fkdolajd .kakd ,o tajd njo tysñfhda fmkajd fo;s'

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