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jdyk jxpdjl yiqù fg,s ks<s ukSId Widúfha

jHdmdßlfhl= i;= fudag¾ r:hla w¨;a jeähdj i|yd hhs /f.k f.dia thg jHdc ,shlshú,s ilia lr fjk;a wfhl=g úlsKSu iïnkaOfhka fg,s ks<s ukSId YHdu,S fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg m;aj Bfha Widúfha§ wem u; uqodyeßhd ,laI .Kkdjl jákdlñka hq;a nj lshk fuu fudag¾ r:h ysñ jHdmdßlhd iu. ióm weiqrla mej;s ld,fha

weh fuu jdykh /f.k f.dia we;s w;r tu ;eke;a;d ñka ál l,lg fmr ñhf.dia we;' bka miq fg,s ks<sh tu jdykh kej; wod< mqoa.,hdf.a {d;Skag ,nd§ ke;s w;r jHdc ,shlshú,s thg ilia lr uyr.u ms<shkao, mdf¾ .=rejrfhl=g th úl=Kd oud we;'
/f.k .sh jdykh úYajdih lvlrñka kej; Ndr fkd§u iïnkaOfhka ñ jHdmdßlhdf.a fidfydhqrd wehg tfrysj kvq u.g t<eU we;af;a bka miqjhs' Tyq .,alsiai fmd,sishg l< meñKs,a, u; mdf.dv mdf¾ mÈxÑ fg,s ks<s ukSId YHdu,S fmd,aj;a;f.a fmd,sia w;awvx.=jg f.k ;snqKd' .,alsiai wêlrKhg weh bÈßm;a l< miq remsh,a ,laIh ne.skajQ YÍr wem folla u; Bfha uqodyer ;sfnkjd'
fuu fg,s ks<sh uska by; fl%äÜ ldâm;la jerÈ Ndú;h iïnkaO kvqjl fpdaokdjlgo ,laj we;'
isoaêh ms<sn| jeäÿr úu¾Yk isÿflf¾'

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