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;%súO yuqod msßia ia:dk.; lsÍu
ysgmq ckm;s we;=¿ j.
fkd;sis oekqï fokak
fYa%IaGdêlrKh ;SrKh lrhs

ckdêm;sjrK Pkao úuiSu meje;s iufha iy bl=;a ckjdß ui 9 jeksod wÆhu ;%súO yuqod lKavdhï úúO m‍%foaYj, ia:dk.; lsÍfuka uyck wdrlaIl mk;g mgyeksj lghq;= lr we;s njg ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg tfrysj f.dkqlr we;s fm;aiu iïnkaO fkd;sis ta uy;d we;=¿ j.W;a;rlrejkag okajd heúh hq;= njg fYa%IaGdêlrKh Bfha ^18& ;SrKh flf<ah'

ta wkqj fm;aiu ud¾;= ui 31 jeksod le|ùug ;SrKh l< wêlrKh tu fkd;sis ishÆ j.W;a;rlrejka fj; hjk f,i kshu flf<ah'

fmrgq.dó iudcjd§ mlaIfha ckdêm;s wfmalaIl jQ ÿñkao kd.uqj úiska f.dkq l< fuu fm;aiu w.úksiqre fla' Y%Smjka" m%shid;a fvma" Bjd jkiqkaor hk fYa%IaGdêlrK úksiqre uvq,a, bÈßfhys le|jk ,§'
tys§ kS;sm;sjrhd fjkqfjka fmkS isá rcfha kS;s{ wjka;s fmf¾rd fukúh fuu fm;aifuys bÈß lghq;= iïnkaOfhka kS;sm;sjrhd fjkqfjka fid,sisg¾ fckrd,a iqyo .ï,;a uy;d fmkS isák nj;a" fm!oa.,sl fya;+ka u; ta uy;d Bfha ^18& wêlrKfha fmkS fkdisá neúka th fjk;a Èkhl le|jk f,i;a wêlrKfhka b,a,d isáhdh'

fm;aiïlre fjkqfjka fmkS isá kS;s{ úrdka fldrhd uy;d Bg úfrdaOhla fkdoelajQ w;r fm;aiu iïnkaO fkd;sis kS;sm;sjrhdg muKla hejQ nj i|yka flf<ah'

ta wkqj fiiq j.W;a;rlrejkag o fkd;sis heùfuka miq fm;aiu i,ld ne,Sug wêlrKh ;SrKh flf<ah'

ckdêm;sjrhdg fiakdêkdhlhd f,i Èjhsfka úúO m%foaYj, ;%súO yuqodj ia:dk.; l< yelafla uyck;djg mSvdjla jkafka kï fyda tjeks ;;a;ajhla Woa.;j we;akï muKla nj fm;aifuys i|yka fõ' ta i|yd tjeks ;;a;ajhla md,kh lsÍug fmd,sishg fkdyels nj o ;yjqre ù ;sìh hq;=h'

tfy;a tn÷ ;;a;ajhla fkd;sìh§ ckdêm;sjrK iufha fyda ckjdß ui 09 jeksod wÆhu ysgmq ckdêm;sjrhd úiska ;%súO yuqodj le|jd Èjhsfka úúO m%foaYj, ia:dk .; lr ;sfí'

th uyck wdrlaIl mk;g mgyeksj lghq;= lsÍula neúka tu.ska furg ck;djf.a uQ,sl whs;Ska W,a,x>kh jQ njg m%ldY lrkakehs fm;aiïlre wêlrKfhka b,a,d isà' 
fk,ald ueof.or

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