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iafmda¾Ü óÜ uer;ka ;r.h w;r;=r
15 yeúßÈ isiqjd weojeà ureg

wo WoEik 9 g muK ud;r wïn,kaf;dg fnda,dk uy úoHd,fha jd¾Isl ksjdidka;r l%Svd ;r.hl uer;ka biõjg iyNd.SjQ 15 yeúßÈ isiqfjl= ;r.h w;r;=r yÈis yDohdndOhlg ,laj ñh.shd'
;r.h wïn,kaf;dg ßÈh.u jej wi,ska wdrïN ù fnda,dk úÿy, wi,ska wjika ùug kshñ; jQ w;r ÿr lsf,daógr 5 lska muK

hqla; jqKd' Tyq ;r.fha ál ÿrla Èjhk úg weojeà ;snqK ksid wjg m%foaYjdiSka Tyqj frday,a .; lsÍug lghq;= lr ;snqK kuq;a Tyq ñhf.dia ;snqKd'

fmd,sish mejiqfõ isiqjd ;r.h w;r yÈisfhau wikSmù we;s njh' fmd,sish isÿ l< mÍlaIk wkqj isiqjd Wf.kqu ,nk fnda,dk uy úoHd,fha
úÿy,am;sjrhd fuu Odjk ;rÕhg iyNd.s jq isiqka ish¨ fokdju ffjoH mßCIKhlg ,la lr ;snqK

njg;a foudmshkaf.a leue;a; iys;j fuu ;rÕhg iyNd.s lrjd we;s njg;a ;yjqreù we;'

fï ms<sn| urK mÍlaIKh iy mYapd;a urK mÍlaIKh meje;aùug kshñ; nj fmd,sish mejiQ w;r ysÈis yDohdndO ;;ajhla fï urKhg fya;=jkakg we;ehs ielflf¾'

fufia ñhf.dia we;af;a jhi wjqreÿ 15 la jq iqqoaodÉpdßf.a pfudaoa i;air keue;s wxl 143” êjr .ïudkh” reyqqKq ߧh.u” wïn,kaf;dg ,smskfha mÈxÑ orefjls'
urKh isÿùfuka miq frdayf,a§ foudmshka ú,dm ;nñka isiqjdf.a foayh nodf.k y~k yeá ±lafjk isoaêh iïnkaO isri ùäfhdaj my;ska

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