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oeßhla iqjm;al< ffjoHjrhd

ÿ,n iy iqjm;a lsÍug wêl úhoula oeÍug isÿjk frda.hla jk ú,aika äiSia kue;s frda.fhka fm¿Kq oeßhla iqjm;a lsÍug nKavdrfj, frdayf,a wêlrK ffjoH ks,OdÍ md,s; nKavdr iqnisxy uy;d iu;aj isákjd' ta ffjoHjrhl=f.a rdcldßhg muKla mK foñka fkdfõ'

nKavdrfj, ;ka;sßh m%foaYfha lgqueá me,l Ôj;ajQ ä,dks i|ud,s ^14& mjqf,a idudðlhskag wehg wêl uqo,la úhoïfldg m%;sldr lrkakg ;nd todfõ .kakgj;a yßyuka ;snqfKa ke;' Èklg remsh,a 6000l muK uqo,la fï i|yd wjYH T!IO i|yd jehjk ksidh' fï mqj; lk jel=k ffjoH md,s; nKavdr iqnisxy uy;d f*ianqla iudc cd,fha ;u ys;j;=ka yd tlaj oeßhg m%;sldr i|yd wjYH ñ, uqo,a muKla fkdj" Tjqkg Ôj;a jkakg ksjilao ;kd fokakg kdhl;ajh ,nd § ;sfí'

jir 04la mdi, ä,dks i|ud,s 02od kej; mdi, fj; .sfhao" ysig fijkla ,enqfõo" md,s; nKavdr iqnisxy uy;d yd tlajQ ienE lreKdnr mß;Hd.YS,ska ksiduh'

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