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fYaIdøS remsh,a 1000 g
iïndykh lrkafka ldjo @
(Video) ld,fha ld w;r;a l;d nyg ,lajqkq fhdjqka mrmqf¾ ks<shlafka fYaIdøs m%shidoa lshkafka' yenehs yÈisfhau thd rx.k Èúfhka fmdâvla wE;a fj,d hq.Èúhg t<Uqkd' fï fjkfldg ;ukaf.a ieñh;a tlal id¾:l mjq,a Ôú;hla .;lrkak wehg mq¨‍jka fj,d ;sfhkjd'

Th w;f¾§ fYaIdøs remsh,a 1000la ÿkaku ll=,a fol iïndykh lr,d fok flfkla bkakj¨‍'
fYaIdøs fï úÈhg remsh,a 1000la ÿkaku ll=,a fol uidÊ lr,d fokafka fjk ldf.j;a fkfjhs thdf.a ieñhdf.uhs'  Tyq ndialÜ fnda,a fi,a,ï lr,d weú;a ll=,a ßfokjd lSju ;uhs fYaIdøs fï úÈhg remsh,a 1000la b,a,kjd lsh,d weh lSfõ' fï .ek weh lSfõ i;sfha ysre àù Tiafia úldYh jqkq Copy Chat jevigyfka§'

ta wjia:dfõ ùäfhdaj my;ska'''

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