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r;=miaj, fjä ;eìu .ek
f;aÍï ldrl iNdjla fyda
fldñiula - w.ue;s lshhs

r;=miaj, ck;djf.a Woaf>daIKhg fjä ;eìu iïnkaOfhka úu¾Ykh lsÍug md¾,sfïka;= f;aÍï ldrl iNdjla m;a lrkjdo ke;skï fjkuu fldñiula m;alrkjdo hkak ms<sn|j mlaI kdhlhka iu. idlÉPd lr ;SrKhla .; hq;= nj w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ Bfha ^05& m%ldY lf<ah'

w.%dud;Hjrhd ta nj mejiqfõ md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S wkqr l=udr Èidkdhl uy;d uyck iduh" wdmod l<ukdlrKh yd l%sia;shdks wd.ñl lghq;= wud;Hjrhdf.ka jdÑl ms<s;=re wfmalaIdfjka ke.+ m%Yakhlg ms<s;=re foñks'

tys§ wud;H fcdaka wur;=x. uy;d bÈßm;a l< ‍fmd,sish úiska ,nd§ ;snQ jd¾;dj ms<sn| ;udo iEySulg m;a fkdjk nj w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d mejiSh'

tys§ jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d fufiao mejiSh' lsisÿ by< ksfhda.hla ke;sj yuqodjg tkak mq¿jkao@ fuu isÿùu ms<sn| úu¾Ykh l< hq;= lreKq lsysmhla ;sfnkjd' tod Woaf>daIKh meje;afjoa§ ne¨‍ïuyßka mdr jymq tl .ek;a tu m%Yakhg iïnkaO wdh;kfha ysñhl= meje;s rchg ;snQ in|;dj .ek;a úNd. lrkak ´kE' fjä ;eìu .ek iïmQ¾K f;dr;=re oek.; hq;=hs'

mÍlaIK ú;rhs isÿjqfKa' m%Yak keye' oeka hymd,kh hgf;a mÍlaIK lrkak wjYHhs lsh,d fhdackd lrkjd' tu ksid wo ^06& meje;afjk mlaI kdhl /iaùfï§ idlÉPd lr,d wms fï .ek ;SrKhla .uq' fï ms<sn| úNd. lrkak fjku fldñiula m;a lrkjdo ke;skï fï iNdfõ f;aÍï ldrl iNdjla m;a lrkjdo lsh,d t;ek§ wmsg ;SrKh lrkak mq¿jk

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