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ux w.ue;s fjkak
fldams uKaä;a î,d"
fldamafm;a lv,d l=vq
lr,d ìjqjd

;uka w.ue;s fjkak l,ska fldams fldamafma uKaäh;a î,d" fldamafm;a lvd tal;a l=vq lr taj;a îjd hhs w.ue;s rks,a úC%uisxy uy;d lSh'

Tyq fï woyia m, lf,a fld<U rdclSh úoHd,fha Bfha mej;s mej;s W;aij iNdjla wu;ñks' w.ue;sjrhd tys§ fufiao woyia m< lf,ah'

ckdêm;s fca'wd¾'chj¾Ok lshkafka ienúkau ch.‍%dylfhla' Tyq md¾,sfïka;=jg wdfõ 1943' mkia yh fjoa§ Tyq wdKavqfõ fojekshd' i¾ fcdaka fmdfrdkaÿ jqKd" Pkafoka miafia wjqreÿ folla .sysx fca'wd¾'chj¾Okg w.ue;slu fokak'
yenehs mkia yfha Pqkafoa tlai;a cd;sl mlaIh merÿkd' fca'wd¾' wdikh;a merÿKd' yefudau lsõjd Tyq bjrhs lsh,d' fldfydu jqk;a wjqreÿ úiailg miafia fca'wd¾' w.ue;s fj,d rfÜ m<fjks úOdhl ckdêm;s;a jqKd'

uu ojila chj¾Ok ckdêm;sjrhd ug lsõjd rks,a uu wka;sug fldams fldamafma uKaäh;a ìõjd lsh,d'

yenehs ug lshkak ;sfhkafka uu wo w.ue;s fjkak l,ska uKaäh;a î,d" fldamafm;a lv,d" tal;a l=vq lr,d taj;a fndkak jqKd lsh,hs’

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