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uyskao w.ue;s lrk ck/<sh úYd, ckldhla
wid;a id,sg f.or hkak fõúo@  
Video wdkkao iurfldka msáfha wo ^18& meje;s uyskao rdcmlaI ysgmq ckm;s w.ue;s lsÍfï /,shg uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d tla fkdjQ w;r Tyq fjkqfjka ysgmq ;dkdm;sjrhl= jk wdpd¾h  ohdka ch;s,l uy;d ysgmq ckm;sf.a iqn me;=ï m‚úvh bÈßm;a lf<ah'

ysgmq ckm;s /,shg iyNd.S jQ ck;djg tjQ úfYaI m‚úvh fufiah ,
˜‍rfÜ ckdêm;s f,i isáh§ ud yuqjkakg fkdmeñ‚ fndfyda ys; fyd| ñksiqkao i;s lsysmfha ÿrl;r f.jdf.k ud n,kakg meñK uf.a ys;j;alu m%ldY lsÍu Ôú;fha ud ,o w¨‍;au ch.%yKh nj lSug uu fï wjia:dj m%fhdackhg .kafkñ'

 óg wu;rj ug mejiQ tla fmdÿ ldrKh kï wm fï N=la;s ú¢kafka mrdchla fkdj l=uka;%Khl m%Óm,hla njhs' mrdch mrdchla f,i ms<s.kakg uu lsisfia;a miqng fkdfjñ' ukao mrdch ug kqyqre fkdjk neúks' tfiau wjudkho ug kqyqre fohla fkfjhs' ysr f.h mjd ug kqyqre fohla fkfjhs' uf.a ck;dj fjkqfjka ud fï ish,a,u ú| mqreÿj we;s nj Tn ieu fokdu okakd lreKla' ta wdldrhg fndfyda fokdg kqyqre fndfyda fokd w;aú| fkdue;s wNsudkkSh ch.%yKhkao ug kqyqre fohla fkfjhs'

fndfyda fokd mrdchg yqre jQjka jqj;a ienE wNsudkj;a f.!rjkSh ch.%yKhl ysñlre úh yelafla wNsudkkSh kdhlhl=g muKla nj uf.a yeÕSuhs' uu ta wNsudkj;a ch.%yK N=la;s ú£fï wjia:djka ,o wfhl= nj wdvïnrfhka lshd isáñ' 2005§ ud ,enqfõ wiSre ch.%yKhla' ta ch.%yKh ug ,ndÿka rgg ck;djg uu ,ndÿka ch.%yKh jkafka 2009§ fldá ;%ia;jdoh iyuq,skau mrdch fldg rg urK Nfhka .,jd .ekSuhs' thg l<.=K ie,lSula jYfhka 2010§ jeä Pkao ,laI 18l ch.%yKhla rfÜ c k;dj ug ,ndÿka w;r ta fjkqfjka rfÜ ck;djg uu kej; ,ndÿkafka rg uyd mßudK ixj¾Ok udj;lg rg újD; lsÍuhs'

ta uyd ch.%yK wdmiq yrjkakg isÿ lrk ,o l=uka;%K id¾:l úh' wo wm w;aú¢ñka isákafka rgg tfrysj isÿ lrk ,o l=uka;%Khl m%;sM, ñi mrdchla fkdjk nj uuo ms<s.ksñ' Wmka f.hs Y%S ,xld ksoyia mdlaIslfhla jk uu wog;a úYajdi lrkafka Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh mrdch fkdjQ njhs' md¾,sfïka;=j ;=< wo mj;sk iq¿;r wdKavqj yd ;=fkka folla we;s úmlaIh foi neÆ úg Tng th meyeÈ<s jkq we;' rg fjkqfjka lemfjk Tnf.a ta wfmalaIdjka fkdi,ld isàfï yelshdjla ug fkdue;s nj uu wjOdrKh lrñ' Y%S ,ksmh m%uqL tcksi uyck iy kdhl n,fõ. fï È.= lrk ifydaor;ajfha oE;a f.!rjfhkao iqmqreÿ f,x.;=lñka je<|.kakd nj uu h<s;a m%ldY lrñ' ˜‍

/<sh i|yd md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sjreka jk à'î taldkhl"
iSî r;akdhl"
chka; legf.dv"
.S;dxck .=Kj¾Ok"
id,skao Èidkdhl yd niakdysr uyewu;s m%ikak rK;=x.  we;=¿ m<d;a iNd" m%dfoaYSh iNd uka;%Ska /ila fïjk úg iyNd.s ù isá;s'

my; oelafjkafka tu /<shg fïjk úg iyNd.s ù isák foaYmd,k ksfhdað;hska msßif.ka  fldgils'

fuu /<sh i|yd uy ix>r;akh"
cdksfm kdhl md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S  úu,a ùrjxY"
uyck tlai;a fmruqfKa kdhl md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S  ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok"
m%cd;ka;%jd§ jdudxYsl fmruqfKa kdhl" md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S  jdiqfoaj kdkdhlaldr"
msú;=re fy< Wreufha kdhl Woh .ïukams,"
md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S à'î taldkhl"
md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S  iSî r;akdhl"
md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S  chka; legf.dv"
md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S .S;dxck .=Kj¾Ok"
md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S  id,skao Èidkdhl
niakdysr m%Odk weu;s m%ikak rK;=x."
ol=Kq m<d;a iNd uka;%S ã'ù Wmq,a'
niakdysr m<d;a iNd uka;%S ksu,a ,kaid
foaYmd,k úpdrl ohdka ch;s,l"
Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha ysgmq weu;sjreka"m<d;a iNd uka;%Ska"m%dfoaYSh iNd uka;%Ska" k.r iNd uka;%Ska isú,a ixúOdk ksfhdað;hska we;=¿ msßila tlaj isá;s'

fï w;r ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI fjkqfjka meje;aùug hk /,sh ioyd 5000l msßila f.kaùug yels jqjfyd;a ;uka foaYmd,kfhka iuq.kakd nj m<d;a iNd uka;%s widoa id,s m%ldY l,d' Tyq tÈk lshd isáfha ,laI 58l ck;dj f.kajk nj m%ldY lrñka isÿ lrk ta /,sh ioyd ck;d iyNd.s;ajhla wfmalaId l, fkdyels njhs'

fï yryd úu,a ùrjxY "ÈfkaIa .=Kj¾Ok "Woh .ïukams, "äõ .=Kfialr fuys m%OdkSka fï lrkafka fndre jevla njhs Tyq fmkajd ÿkafka'oeka fuu ck /,sh meje;afjk w;r ta ioyd ,laI .Kkdjlg wdikak ck;djla meñK we;'fuu /,sh ioyd 5000la f.kajd .ekSugj;a fkdyels nj m%ldY l, widoa id,s oeka foaYmd,kfhka iuqf.k hd hq;=hd'

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