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fõ.fhka Odjkh jQ nifhka .eìks ujla t<shg úisfjhs
lsisjl= wiqkla ,nd§ kE

ys| .ekSug wiqkla fkd,en uykqjr yegka nifha fodr <Õ ysgf.k .sh kj uia .eìks ujla  .ï‍fmd< W,mfka m%foaYfha§ nia r:h jx.=jla .ekSu;a iu. nifhka t<shg úisù nrm;< ;=jd, ,nd Bfha ^12& .ï‍fmd< YslaIK frday,g we;=<;a lsÍfuka miq uykqjr  uy frday,g udre lr hjd we;'

fla' pkaøud,d kue;s 28 yeúßÈ fuu uj W,mfka uyú,j;a; mÈxÑldßhls' weh ish uj iu. kdj,msáfha meje;s ffjoH idhkhg hdu i|yd fuu nia r:hg W,mkska  f.dvù we;' .eìkshla jQ wehg wiqkla ,nd§ug lsisfjl=;a  bÈßm;a ù ke;' weh wk;=rg ,laj  we;af;a nia r:hg f.dvù óg¾ yhiShla muK .sh ;ekh'wef.a orejd ,eìug kshñ;j ;sì we;af;a   ;j Èk 15lska jk w;r weh fuu ffjoH idhkfhka miq ore m%iQ;sh i|yd frday,a .; ùug kshñ;j isg we;'

fõ.fhka Odjkh ù we;s nih ta iekskau jx.=j .kakjd;a iu. fodr <Õ isgf.k isá weh  t<shg úisù jegqK nj nia r:fha  ßheÿre fyda fldkafodia;rjrhd oel fkdue;s w;r wfkl=;a  u.Skaf.a lE .eiSu ksid nih  bÈßhg Odjkh ù k;r lr we;'m%foaYjdiSka tlaj  ysig nrm;< ;=jd,  isÿ ù we;s fuu uj ud¾.fha Odjkh fjñka ;snQ fudag¾ r:hla kj;d .ï‍fmd< frday,g /f.k ú;a we;'tys§ wehf.a ;;a;ajh nrm;<  ksid uykqjr uy frday,g hjd we;'

.ï‍fmd< ‍fmd,sia r:  jdyk wxYfha ks,Odßhd tu ia:dkhg f.dia mÍlaIK meje;aùfï§ ßheÿre muKla tys isg we;s w;r miqj fldiafodia;rjrhd ‍fmd,Sishg ndr ù we;' fuu fofokdu w;awvx.=jg f.k  Bfha ^12&  .ï‍fmd< ufyaia;%d;a wêlrKh fj; bÈßm;a lsÍug kshñ;j ;snq‚'

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