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udj fydfrla lr, - ug kskao hkakE
meñ‚,a, blaukska úNd. lrkak

uyskafodaoh úoHd.dr bÈ lsßfï§ fgkav¾ jxpdjla isÿj we;s nj mjiñka ,xld .=re fiajd ix.ufha m%Odk f,alï uyskao chisxy ysgmq wOHdmk wud;H nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok we;=¿ msßilg fmf¾od ^5& w,a,ia fldñifï meñ‚,a,la f.dkq lsÍfuka miq
;uka kslrefKa jrolrefjl= lr we;s nj;a fï Èkj, isÿ lrk meñKs,s yeáhg udOH u.ska bfí fydreka ks¾udKh lrk nj;a fï ksid

;ukag kskao hkafka ke;s nj;a lshk ysgmq wOHdmk weu;s nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok Bfha ^6&w,a,ia fldñiu fj; *hs,a f.dkaklao /f.k f.dia b,a,d isáfha
;ukag tfrysj bÈßm;a lr we;s w,a,ia meñ‚,a, yels blaukska úNd. lrk f,ihs'

Tyq tu wjia:dfõ udOHg woyia olajñka mejiqfõ fuh ;u ðú;fha isÿjQ f,dl=u wmydih njhs'
fï w;r w,a,ia fldñifï ks,Odßka udOHhg okajd we;s wdldrhg i;s ;=fka§ muKla meñ‚,s 500lg wdikak ixLHdjla fldñiug ,eî we;s w;r fumuKla meñ‚,s blaukska úNd. lsÍu ioyd w,a,ia fldñiug lsisÿ yelshdjla fkdue;s nj mejiqKd'

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