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fmïj;shlf.a iqkaor wdorhla

fjkia úÈhg lr,d ;snqkq wÆ;a wldrfha .s; rem rpkhla ld,fha wmsg wka;¾cd,h Tiafia olskak ,enqkd

uxcq,d È,arelaIs .dhkd lrk wÆ;au .S;h jk Thd okafka keye .S;h fï Èkj, ieu w;r ckm%shhs' fuu .S;fha rEm rpkh fï jk úg ksl=;a ù ;sfnkjd' wdorjka;hka fofofkl= jgd f.;S we;s fuys rx.k odhl;aj olajkafka úl=ï mshqud,a iu.ska fjd,a.d l,amkS úisks'
fï .S;fha l;d f;audj õ we;af;a ld¾hd,hl fiajh flrk fmïj;shlf.a iqkaor wdor l;dkaorhls"weh ysfkaka mjd wdorh lrhs'weh wiSñ; f,i wdorh lrhs'wjidkfha§ wef.a wdorh ienE wdorhla njg m;ajk iqkaor l;dkaorhhs'

fuu .S;fha .dhkh ;kq ks¾udKh "mo rpkh uxcq,d È,arelaIs õisks'
ix.s;h fYkqla tÉ mSßia úisks' remrpkd wOHIl f,i liqka (KTKT) ks¾udKh lr we;s w;r fï wdor l;dkaor ks¾udKh lr ;sfnkqfha úl=ï mshqud,a úisks'
Tyq fuys rx.kfhka odhl ùuo úfYaI;als'
fï jk úg hq áhqí u.ska fuu .S;h ckm%sh ú we;'
tu úâfhdj my;ska

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