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kS;sh yd iduh weu;sg
tfrysj úYajdi Nx.hla
weu;sg tfrysj
uka;%S w;aika 130 la (video)

j;a;, m‍%dfoaYSh iNdfõ od we;s jQ isoaêh iïnkaOfhka uyck iduh yd wdmod wud;H fcdaka wur;=x.g tfrysj úYajdiNx. fhdackdjla f.k taug ikaOdkfha uka;%Sjreka 130lg jeä msßila tl.;ajh m<lr we;ehs ysgmq wud;H uyskao wurùr uy;d lshd isÜ nj Y%S ,xld ñr¾ fjí wvúh jd¾;d lrhs

fcdaka wur;=x. uy;d jydu fmd,sish ndr rdcldß j,ska bj;alrkakehs ckdêm;sjrhd b,a,d isáñka tu fhdackdj bÈßm;a lrk njo Tyq i|yka lf<ah'

ckêm;sjrhd wmyiq;djhg m;a fkdlrñka fuu fhdackdj bÈßm;a lrk njo fyf;u fyf;u lshd isáfhah'

fujeks úYajdi Nx.hla bÈßm;a jqjfyd;a" th uy ue;sjrKhlg fmr tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkfha n,h m%o¾Ykh lrk wjia:djla jkq we;ehs foaYmd,k úpdrlhska  mji;s' 

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