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Y%S ,xldfõ .ia‌
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2015 $ 16 jif¾ f,dal rE /ck f,i lsre¿ me<e¢ frda,ska ia‌fg%daaia‌ fukúhf.a iyNd.s;ajfhka Bfha ^20od& Wfoa fld<U l%Svd yd ixpdrl wud;HxYfha§ ,xldfõ ñ,shkhl rela‌ frdamK jHdmD;shla‌ Èh;a lsÍu W;aijdldrfhka isÿúh'

Y%S ,xldfõ jk wdjrKh fï jk úg ishhg 53 isg ishhg 29 ola‌jd wvqù we;s w;r tu jHikhg ms<s;=rla‌ jYfhka fuu ñ,shkhl rela‌ frdamK jevigyk Èh;a lrkq ,nhs'

fuys§ l;d l< frda,ska ia‌fg%daia‌ f,dal rE /ck m%ldY lf<a fuu ukrï Èjhskg meñK fujka jákd jHdmD;shla‌ Èh;a lsÍug wjia‌:dj ,eîu .ek ;ud b;d i;=gg m;ajk njhs' ;udf.a ksjfia ñÿf,a úYd, .ila‌ ;snqK nj;a tu .ig ;ud fnfyúka weÆï l< nj;a i|yka l< weh lSfõ miq lf,l tu .i lmd oeuQ miq ;ud fnfyúka ÿlg m;a jQ njhs'

fuu ñ,shkhl rela‌ frdamK jevigyk Èh;a lsÍfï wjia‌:djg ixpdrl yd l%Svd weu;s kùka Èidkdhl iy Y%S ,xld ixpdrl m%j¾Ok ld¾hdxYfha iNdm;s frdydka; w;=fldar, hk uy;ajreka we;=¿ úYd, msßila‌ iyNd.s ù isáhy' fuu jHdmD;sh Èh;a lrkq ,nkafka Y%S ,xld ixpdrl m%j¾Ok ld¾hdxYh" Y%S ,xld frdgß iudch yd yegka keIk,a nexl=j taldnoaOjh'

f,dal rE /ck frda,ska ia‌fg%daia‌ fukúh Èk ;=kla‌ Y%S ,xldfõ /£ isàug kshñ;h'

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