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ks,a n,ldh bjrhs

Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha ;reK ixúOdkh ks,a n,ldh kñka u;=jg l%shd;aul fkdfõ hehs tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ixOdk md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S iqis,a fm%auchka;a uy;d mjikjd’ îîish fj; woyia olajñka Tyq fï nj mjid ;snqfKa Y%S,xld ksoyia mlaIfha kj cd;sl ixúOdhl jrhd njg m;aùfuka wk;=rejh’

නිල් n,ldh msysgqjd tys kdhl;ajh f.k lghq;= lf<a kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;dh’ fmf¾od (14) mej;s Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaI iuia; ,xld ldrl iNdfõoS Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha ;reK ixúOdkfha iNdm;s jrhd f,i md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S Ydka; nKavdr iy f,alï jrhd f,i md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S tßla ùrj¾Ok hk uy;ajreka m;afldg ;sfnkjd’

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