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ksõfhdala ghsïia
fjí wvúh Y%S ,xldfõ
cd;sl Ochg lrhs

Y%S ,xldj ish 67 jk cd;sl ksoyia Èkh wNsudkfhka iuroa§ Y%S ,xldfõ cd;sl Ochg jk wldrfhka ks¾udKh flreKq Pdhdremhla wmg yuqjqKd' fuu PdhdrEmh m,lr ;sfnkafka m%jD;a;s wdh;khla jk o ksõfhdala ghsïia mqj;a mf;a ks, fjí wvúfhhs'

bl=;a ckdêm;sjrKfha wjika m%;st,h w,,d m< flreKq ,smshlg wod,j tys fuu PdhdrEmh m< lr ;snqKs'

wod< ,smsfha oelafjkafka f,dalfhau lïmkhg m;a lrñka uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d ckdêm;sOqrfhka bj;a lsßug Y%S ,dxlslhska l%shdlr we;s njhs'

2009§ hqoaOh ksud lsÍug kdhl;aj ,nd ÿkafka uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d nj;a bkamiq ish ifydaorhka iu. tlaj Tyq taldêm;s md,khlg uq, msre njo wod< ,smsfha oelafjkjd'

m%cd;ka;% úfrdaë ish¿ l%shd wjika lr ishÆ wd.ñlhkaf.a iyh yd ckj¾. j, whs;Ska ;yjqre lrk nj kj ckm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d m%ldY lr we;s nj o tys ioyka'

Y%S ,xldjg kj .ukla wdrïN lsÍug iqÿiqu wjia:dj fuh nj wußldkq rdcH f,alï fcdaka flÍ m%ldY lr we;s nj wod< fjí wvúfha oelafjkjd'

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