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l%slÜ uq,a mqgqjg

foaYmd,k n,mEï u; j;auka úOdhl lñgqfõ Wm iNdm;sjrhl= f,i lghq;= lrñka isg b,a,d wia‌jQ fla' u;sjdkka uy;d t<fUk l%slÜ ks,jrKfha§ iNdm;s OQrhg m;a lsÍug msßila W;aidy orñka isák nj jd¾;d fõ'

Tyq j;auka ckm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a wdYs¾jdoh hgf;a wod, OQrhg f.ktaug iQodkïjk njo mejfia' Tyq l%slÜ flaI;%h ;=, m%p,s;j we;af;a ñia‌g¾ la‌,Ska ^l%slÜ‌ mßmd,kfha iqmsßisÿ pß;h& f,ish'

Tyqg j;auka l%slÜ f,laï ksYdka; rK;=x. uy;d úiska ysgmq ckm;s mq;a kdu,a rdcmlaI uy;d yryd mßmd,kfhka bj;a jk f,ig n,mEï l< njg tjlg m%isoaêhg m;aj ;sìKs'

tu ;;a;ajh u; l<lsÍ u;sjdkka uy;d l%slÜ‌ mßmd,kfhka bj;ajQ njo i|yka úh'

Y%S ,xld l%slÜ‌ ks,jrKhl§ ;ks mqoa.,hl= ,nd.;a jeäu Pkao ixLHdj ^113& ,nd.ksñka Wm iNdm;s ;k;=rg m;a u;sjdkka uy;d" tjlg flda,aÜ‌ia‌ l%Svd iudcfha iNdm;sjrhd jYfhkao lghq;= lf<ah'

Tyqf.a bj;aùfuka miq flda,aÜ‌ia‌ l%Svd iudcfha iNdm;sjrhd f,i j;auka l%slÜ‌ f,alï ksYdka; rK;=x. wiqka .;af;ah'

wfma%,a 30 jeksod meje;aùug kshñ; l%slÜ‌ ks,jrKh i|yd ;=kafldka igkla‌ ks¾udKh ù ;sfnk nj;a tys§ iNdm;s wiqk i|yd j;auka l%slÜ‌ iNdm;s chka; O¾uodi" f,alï ksYdka; rK;=x. iy ysgmq iNdm;sjrhl= jk ;s,x. iqu;smd, hk uy;ajreka ;r. je§fï wfmala‍Idjka isák nj i|yka fõ'

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