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iS fI,aia wdfhdack fidhhs

kS;s úfrdaë f,i Y%S ,xldfjka msg lrk ,o uqo,a wdmiq rg ;=<g f.kajd .ekSu i|yd f,dal nexl=fõ úfYaI{hska iu. oekgu;a idlÉPd wdrïN lr we;s nj m%;sm;a;s iïmdok iy wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd mjihs'

iS fI,aia ¥m;a ys kS;s úfrdaë f,i wdfhdackh lr we;s nj mejfik mqoa.,hka ms<sn|j úfYaI mÍlaIK isÿ lsÍug lghq;= lrk njo ksfhdacH wud;H y¾I o is,ajd uy;d zîîiS ixfoaYhZ iu. mej;s idlÉPdjl § lshd isáfha h'

l¿ i,a,s

ziS fI,aia lshkafka l¿ i,a,s iqÿ lrk flakao%ia:dkhla lshk tl ljqre;a okakd fohla' oeka iS fI,aia j, ñksiaiq yeg odyla ysáhg iud.ï ;sfhkjd tla,laI .Kkla' ta lshkafka tl mqoa.,fhl=g wdh;k folla ;=kla ú;r ;sfhkjd' talg fya;=j ;uhs tla wdh;khla ;=< ;j;a wdh;k lsysmhla u ;sîu'Z

zfydrlï lrk ,o Okh kej; ,nd .ekSu i|yd jQ úfYaI{hska bkakjd f,dal nexl=fõ' Tjqka iu. wms oekgu;a idlÉPd wdrïN lr,d ;sfhkafka' bkaÈhdj iu.;a fï .ek l;d lsÍug wms n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkjd" ,xldfõ Okh fld,a,ldmq mqoa.,hkaj fidhd f.k ta uqo,a kej;;a ,xldjg wrf.k tkak'Z ksfhdacH wud;H y¾I o is,ajd uy;d mejiSh'


fï w;r;=r fldgia fj<|m< ;=< ud*shdjla fõ kï Bg oe, t,Su i|yd o ;u wud;HxYh lghq;= lrk nj Tyq lshd isáfhah'

iq/l=ïm;a iy úksuh fldñIka iNdj uqo,a wud;HdxYfhka fjka lr w.%dud;Hjrhd hg;g mjrd .ekSug uq,a jQ tla ldrKhla jQfha fldgia fj<| m< ;=< hï wl%ñl;d isÿ fõ kï jerÈlrejka w,a,d .ekSu i|yd Tjqkag iajdëkj lghq;= lsÍfï wjia:dj ,nd §u nj m%;sm;a;s iïmdok iy wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok ksfhdacH wud;Hjrhd jeäÿrg;a lshd isáfha h'

^îîiS ixfoaYh&

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