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fcdakaf.a weue;slu
ckm;s hg;g @

j;a;, m%dfoaYSh iNdfõ isoaêh mokï lrf.k weu;s fcdaka wur;=x. uy;dg tfrysj fï Èkj, úmlaIh f.k hk úfrdaO;djfha l+V m%dma;sh md¾,sfïka;= mlaI kdhl /iaùfï§ .ekSug kshñ;h'
fcdaka wur;=x. weu;sjrhd

hgf;a we;s wud;HxY úIh m:hkaf.ka uyck iduh ms<sn| jQ úIh Tyqf.ka bj;afldg ckdêm;sjrhd fj; mjrd .kakd f,i Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaI uka;%S lKavdhu ckdm;sjrhdf.ka b,a,Sula lr we;s nj;a ta wkqj weue;sjrhdg tfrys úYajdiNx. fhdackdj f.k fkdtau fyda újdoh isÿ lr

Tyqf.a jerÈ yod.kakg wjia:djla ,nd§ug kshñ;h'
fï .ek md¾,sfïka;= újdoh wo^10& mj;ajkakg fndfyda ÿrg bv ;snqK w;r fï fjkialï bÈrfha tys iajNdjh fjkiaj hkq we;ehs md¾,sfïka;= wdrxÑ ud¾. i|yka lrhs'

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