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;;amr 3'5ka yegg
yefÜ hk ,xldfõ fõ.d (video)

f;a" l=¿nvq" ixpdrl l¾udka;h yd l%slÜ i|yd m%isoaO Y%S ,xldj" fï jk úg ;dlaIKh w;ska o by< uxfm;a j,g hñka isáhs'

ta" Y%S ,xldfõ ksmojQ kj;u iqmsß fudag¾ r:h;a iu.hs'

wYajn, 900 la n,e;s fuu úoHq;a fudag¾ r:h fõ.d h'

ixpdrl l¾udka;h fjkqfjka uDÿldx. ksIamdokh lrk fld<U msysá iud.ula úiska fuu ldrh ksIamdokh lr we;s w;r" mehg ie;mqï 0 isg mehg ie;mqï 60la olajd fõ.h jeälsÍug fuu ldrhg .;jkafka ;;amr 3'5la muKla nj Tjqka i|yka lrhs'

fuys§ îîiS mqj;a fiajh fj; woyia olajñka fõ.d jHdmD;s l<ukdlre fíIdka l=,md, mjid we;af;a iqmsß ldrhla jeks ixlS¾K bxðfkare jHdmD;shla Y%S ,xldj jeks rglska ksIamdokh l< yels hehs ñksiaiqka yg ta;a;= .ekaùu ish iud.u uqyqKmdk oejeka; wNsfhda.h njhs'

fõ.d iqmsß fudag¾ r:fha uQ,dlD;sh 2015 wfma%,a udifha§ t<soelaùug kshñ; w;r" fuh wefußldkq fvd,¾ 400"000 l ñ,lg jkq we;ehs mejfia' 

fmr,sms - ,xldfõ ksIamdokh lrk wê iqfLdamfNda.S fudag¾ r:hla

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