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ffu;%smd, ckm;s lr ÿka
whshkdhl foúhkag
mdf¾ nv.d
ndrh Tmamq l< ;reKhd ckm;sjrK iufha ffu;%Smd, isßfiak wfmalaIlhd Pkaofhka ch.%yKh lrfok f,i foúhka fj; lkak,õ l< mqoa.,fhl= tfia lr ÿkafkd;a ;uka lsf,dañg¾ 3 la nv.d ndrh Tmamq lrk nj mjid ;snqKd'

Tyq i;=gg m;alrñka whshkdhl foúhka th bgqlr§ ;snqK ksid
Tyq Bfha wdKuvqj - kd.ú, m%foaYfha§ tu Ndrh Tmamq lr ;snqfka m%foaYjdiSkaf.a wjOdkho Èkd.ksñks'
wdKuvqj - kd.ú, mÈxÑ Tyq kñka ik;a l=udrh'
ckdêm;sjrKfha§ ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ch.%yKh lr fok f,i b,a,ñka Tyq wdKuvqj - fiarelef,a .ïudkfha msysá fuu whshkdhl foajd,h fj; f.dia b,a,Su lr ;snqkd'

ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d ch.%yKh l<fyd;a ;uka lsf,da óg¾ 03 l ÿrla uy mdf¾ nv .df.k ú;a foúhkag ia;+;s lrk nj lshd ;snqK Tyq mdf¾ jdyk .ukd.ukh wvq ksoyia Èkh thg fhdod .;af;ah'

whshkdhl foúhka fj; ndrh bgqlrñka iji 5'00 g muK fiarelef,a fiajd ia:dkh wi,§ Tyq uy u. my;aù nv .dkakg mgka .;af;ah'meh 3 yudrlg wdikak ld,hla uy mdf¾ nv.df.k .sh Tyq rd;%S 8'30 g muK fiarelef,a whshkdhl foajd,h lrd meñ‚fhah'
ik;a l=udr ;u ndrh Tmamq lrk wdldrh oel .kakg u. fomi úYd, msßila tlaj isá njo jd¾;d jqKd'

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