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ffu;%S md,kh álla jHdl+,hs ta;a rij;a
B<`. Pkafoka uf.a Ôú;h ;SrKh fjkjd
- mnd uyue;sjrKhg tcdmfhka ;r. lr uka;%S moúh ,enQ miq mlaI udre lr ikaOdkhg .sh m%lg fg,s ks<s md¾,sfïka;= uka;%Sks WfmalaId iaj¾Kud,s ^mnd& fï Èkj, B<`. uyue;sjrKhg iQodkñka isák nj lshd ;sfnkjd'
j¾;udk foaYmd,k ;;ajh ;rul jHdl+,
kuq;a rij;a tlla nj lshd isák weh B<`. uyue;sjrKh wkqj wef.a bÈß Ôú;h ;SrKh jkq we;ehso mjid ;sfnkjd' i;swka; mqj;am;lg fï .ek weh lshQ woyia my; mßÈh'

j¾;udk foaYmd,k ;;ajh .ek Tfí woyi l=ulao@

wdKavqjhs úmlaIhhs tlg jevlrk tl fyd| m%jK;djhla'wjqreÿ 4 lg l,ska uu wdKavqjg
iyh fokak ;SrKh l<du mlaIfha kdhlhd ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI'wo kdhlhd ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak'
;;ajh jHdl+, jf.a fmkqKg tal rij;a lsh,hs ug ysf;kafk' rg f,dl= fjkila fj,d nhla iella ysf;a kE' bÈßfhaÈ m;alrkak hk w¨;a iajdëk fldñIka" foaYmd,k{hskag wod, úkh m%;sm;a;s ud,d" fm!oa.,slj uu tajg yd ta ixl,amhg leu;shs' fya;=j ta ;=<ska rgg fyd|la jk ksid'

foaYmd,kh me;af;ka bÈß n,dfmdfrd;a;= fudkjo@

B<`. ue;sjrKh ug ;SrKd;aul lvbula fjhs'tafl m%;sM,h fudkj jqK;a uf.a bÈß Ôú;h yev.efykafk taflka lsh,d ug ysf;kjd' fï Èkj, ux talg ;uhs m%uqL;ajh §,d ;sfhkafk'

idlÉPdj - rfïIa Wjhsia

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