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ikaOdkfha mlaI lsysmhla tlaù miq.shod meje;ajQ foaYmd,k /iaùu ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI w.ue;s wmalaIl f,i kï lsÍu Wfoid mj;ajk ,oaola jk w;r tu /iaùug uyskao rdcmlaI wdfõ ke;'

fuu /iaùu m%Odk rEmjdyskS kd,sldj,ska úldYh jQfha ke;s kuq;a tu ixúOdhlhska th wka;¾cd,fha hQáhqíys iÔù f,i úldYh lrkakg lghq;= lr ;snqKd' uyskao rdcmlaIo th krUd we;af;a hQ áhqí Tiafiah' th fy<sjkafka uyskao /iaùu w;r;=r úu,a ùrjxYg ,ndÿka ÿrl:k weu;=ulsks'
zwd úu,a uu;a ±ka fï bkag¾fkÜ tfla ,hsõ n,k .uka ;uhs bkafk' mqÿu weú,a, bkakj fkao@ ´f.d,af,dkaf. jefâ id¾:lhs jf.a fmakafk'Z
uyskao lshQ úg úu,a lshd we;af;a" zTõ ckdêm;s;=ud /,sh w;s id¾:lhs'''
fï fu;ek ioafo ckdêm;s;=ud ux miafi l;d lrkakïfld''Z lshñka úu,a weu;=u ta iu.u úixê lr ;snqKs'

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