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Ôú; 3 la‌ /l ÿka Y%S,dxlslhdg
Tia‌fÜ%,shdfjka iïudk

oekg Tia‌fÜ%,shdfõ fm!oa.,sl wdh;khl by< fmf<a /lshdjla‌ lrk lka;f,a m%foaYfha Pkau ,dNh ,o 37 yeúßÈ tla‌ ore mshl= tu rfgys mqrjeishka ;sfokl=f.a Ôú; fírd .ekSu i|yd ;u reêrh oka§u fjkqfjka Tia‌fÜ%,shdkq rch úiska by<u iïudkh ,ndÿka mqj; miq.shod trg by<skau w.h lr mqj;am;l m< lr ;sìKs'

ujqìug f.!rjhla‌" lS¾;shla‌ f.kÿka fuu Wodr mq;%hd lka;f,a mrdl%u udjf;a Wm; ,o tÉ' ta' iq.;a bkao%,d,a uy;dh' jdßud¾. fomd¾;fïka;=fõ úY%dñl tÉ' ta' isßfiak uy;d yd tÉ' tï' nKa‌vdr ueKsfla uy;añh Tyqf.a udmsfhda fj;s'
orejka yhfokl=f.ka hq;a mjqf,a nd,hd iq.;a bkao%,d,a uQ,sl wOHdmkh ,nkafka lka;f,a w.%fndaê cd;sl mdif,ks' tys§ 5 YsIH;aj úNd.h by<ska iu;ajQ Tyq wOHdmkh i|yd uykqjr is,afjia‌g¾ úoHd,hg we;=,;a fõ' id¾:lj wOHdmk lghq;= ksul< Tyq vhf,d.a wdh;kfha úOdhl ks,Odßfhl= f,i ;u Ôúldj weröh'

id¾:l hq. Ôú;hla‌ .; lrñka isá iq.;ag Tia‌fÜ%,shdfõ iud.ul by< fmf<a /lshdjla‌ i|yd heug jdikdj mEfokafka 2000 jif¾§h' ta jk úg Tyq tla‌ ore msfhls' Èfkl fuu ;reK hqj< óg jir 26 lg fmr ñ iq.;af.a mshdf.a .=K iureu fjkqfjka Tia‌fÜ%,shdfõ§ wd.ñl lghq;=j, ksr; fjñka isáh§ trg frday,l widOHj isá frda.Ska ;sfokl= i|yd reêrh wjYH njg f;dr;=re ,eî we;' tu mqKH lghq;a;g Wrfokakg fojrla‌ fkdis;du iq.;a bÈßm;aù reêrh mß;Hd. lsÍu fufia Tyq we.hSug fya;=ù we;' 

lka;f,a - ví' weï' úl%uisxy

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