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hq k,fhka Tn fidhdf.k tk
cx.u ÿrl:kfhka ùäfhda l,
m<uq ,dxlsl fydr¾ Ñ;%mgh

wo ldf,a yefudaf.u wf;a .ejfik iaud¾Ü f*daka tflka we;a;gu fudkjo Tn lrkafka wh lshhs flda,a .kakjd flá mKsúv hjkjd PdhdrEm .kakjd jf.a fkdfhl=;a foaj,a.

yenehs wmsg uqk.eiqkd f*daka tflla wuq;= jevla lrmq flfkla.

ta;uhs flá Ñ;%mghla kslka tlla fkfjhs fyd,auka tfyu;a ke;akï fydr¾ ;%s,¾ .Kfha flá Ñ;%mghla we;a;gu fuhd fïl lr,d ;sfhkafka ieïiqka.a tia vqjia lshk ÿrl;khla u.ska we;a;gu fuhd fïl lr,d ;sfhkafka ieïiqka.a tia vqjia lshk ÿrl;khla u.ska ÿrl;kfhka ùäfhda lr,d ùäfhdajg .e,fmk ÿIHh m%fhda. yd äðg,a Yío tfyu ou,d we;a;gu nh ysf;kjd neÆu.

fï ;reKhd lõo lsh,d wms fydh, neÆj thdf. ku Ñuka; uydkdu óg l,skq;a ùäfha lr, ;shk olI ;reKfhla
fukak fu;kska thdf.a f*ianqla msgqjg hkakÑuka; fï lrmq ùäfhdaj hQáhqí tfla oekgu;a wh n,,d ;shkjd Thd,;a n,,d woyi lshkakflda.

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