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iqrdnÿ fomd¾;fïka;=jg fcdkSf.ka f,dl= fmd,a,la

ysgmq fjf<| weue;s fcdkaiagka m%kdkaÿ uy;dg wh;a jhU äiaá,ßia iud.u iqrdnÿ fomd¾;fïka;=jg f.úh hq;= remsh,a wgfldaá y;<sia oyil uqo,la udi 7la ;siafia f.ùï meyer yeÍu iïnkaOfhka iqrdnÿ fomd¾;‍fïka;=j mÍlaIKhla wdrïN lr ;sfí'

fuu mÍlaIKh wdrïN lr we;af;a iqrdnÿ fomd¾;fïka;=j uÕska lrk ,o wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla uÕska fidhd .;a lreKqj,g wkqjh'

iqrdnÿ kS;shg wkqj u;ameka ksIamdokd.drhlska f.úh hq;= iqrdnÿ uqo,a f.ùu meyeryßkafka kï tlS ksIamdokd.drh jid oeóug ksfhda. l< yels jqj;a jhU äiaá,ßia iud.u tu kS;sh udi 7la ;siafia l%shd;aul fkdlr isàu iqrdnÿ fomd¾;fïka;=fõ m%Odkskaf.a l%shdl,dmh flfrys o iel Wmojkakla nj iqrdnÿ ks,OdÍkaf.a woyi ù ;sfí'

tfiau jhU äiaá,ßia iud.u Èjhsk mqrd we;s ld.s,aia iud.u we;=¿ if;di fjf<| i,a yryd ;u ksIamdok fnod yeÍug mshjr f.k we;af;a wksl=;a u;ameka ksIamdolhskag widOdrKhla jk mßÈ taldêldß;ajhla mj;ajd f.k hñka njg f;dr;=re o iqrdnÿ fomd¾;fïka;=j fj; meñ‚,s f,i ,eî we;ehs o fcHIaG ks,Odßfhl= i|yka lf<ah'

jhU äiaá,ßia iud.fï ksIamdÈ; wrlal= fnda;,a wvx.= lkafÜk¾ r: folla miq.shod w;awvx.=jg m;aùu;a iuÕ tu iud.fï l%shdldrlï iïnkaOfhka fidhd ne,Sug iqrdnÿ fomd¾;fïka;=j miq.shod ;SrKh lrkq ,eîh' ta wkqj fuu f;dr;=re fy<sorõù we;'

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