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fkdñf,a oekaùï m,l, yels kj;u Y%S ,dxlSh fjí wvúh ^ish,a,'lk&

fkdñf,a oekaùï m,l, yels kj;u Y%S ,dxlSh fjí wvúh ^ish,a,& kñka 7 jeksod t<soelaúh' Y%S ,dxlSh wka;¾cd,h ;u fj<|oekaùï yd maßj¾Ok lghq;= i|yd fukau NdKav yd fiajd ñ,§.ekSu i|ydo fiajd ,ndfok fuu fjí wvúh fuu lafIa;%fha kj udkhla ilikq we;' j¾;udkfha jvd;a ckmaßhh fjñkahk wka;¾cd, m%pdrh " m%j¾Okh yd f;dr;=re iemhSfï fjí wvúhla f,iska ish,a, fjí wvúh t<soelajqfha ,iaik,xld mí,sflaIkaia wdh;khhs'

fuu fjí wvúfha iqúfYaI;djka /ils' fuh uq¿ukskau Y%S ,dxlsl uDÿldx.hls' fkdñf,a oekaùï m,l, yels w;r úfYaI §ukd iys; ^Online Shop& wka;¾cd, idmamqjlskao iukaú;fjhs' tfukau õhdjmdr kdudj,sh yd fjí wvú kdudj,shla we;=¿ f;dr;=re /ila fjí wvúh ;u msúfikakka yg ,ndfohs' ir, yd blauka fiajdjla iemhSu ioyd kj;u fjí wvúhla ^responsive& f,i ks¾udKh lr we;sksid ´kEu cx.u ÿrl:k " iaud¾Ü ÿrl:k yd geí j,skao b;d fydÈka fjí wvúhg msúish yelsh' Tng myiq NdIdjlska yeisrúh yelsh' Y%S ,dxlslhska ,o ch.a¾yKhla jk isxy, yd fou, NdId folu,a mßj¾;k moao;shg tl lsÍu ;=,ska w;aúÈh yelsh' tkï siyalla'lk Tfí NdIdfjka l;dlrhs'

Tn;a fï fjki w;aúÈkak" Tfí oekaùï fkdñf<a m, lrkak blaukska marw;spdr ,nd.ekSug w¿;au §uk .ek oek.kak yd ñ,§.ekSug fj; msúfikak Tn fj; blauka fiajdjla iemhSug .; yels W;aidyhka ih,a, úiska .kqwe;'

úfoaYSh rgj, fuka j¾;udkfha Y%S ,xldfõo NdKav yd fiajd imhk õhdfmdrj, kj;u maf¾jk;dj jkafka ;u õhd mdrj, újqyh fukau NdKav yd fiajd o f;dr;=re ;dlaIkh Ndú;dlrñka wka;¾cd,uh wvú " ta ;=,ska tajd l<ukdlrKh lsÍu yd .kqfokqlsßuhs'

fõ.fhka j¾Okh jk iudc fjí wvú " yd tajd Ndú;d lrkakka by, hdu ;=,ska wka;¾cd,h ixl,amh ;jÿrg;a ck;djg ióm ù we;s w;r wka;¾cd, fj<|oekaùï yd marj¾Ok lghq;= i|yd th ukd iyhla olajhs' fï ish,a, tla lrñka Y%S ,xldfõ kj;u Classifieds and Promotions fjí wvúh ;j;a kjdx.o iu.ska t<soelaùfï wjia:dj ioyd ks¾ud;D ffjoH y¾I chfldä " ys wOHlaI Yd,skao wfíj¾Ok " Bravo Solutions ^KillerWatt& wOHlaI bxðfkare lu,a tÈÍisxy " ,d*a .Eia wdh;kfha " Fishifox "Olivetreegift" Prowriterslanka" Effective Solutions wdh;kj, wdrdê;hska " ^ .kak foaYSh foa fjí wvúh fjkqfjka chiqßh hk uy;ajreka yd ;j;a wrdÈ;hska /ila iyNd.Súh'

‍fu;kska ish,a, fjì wvúhg

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