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ldka;djla .sfhd;a Tyq iuÕ /hla .; l< hq;=h’

.d,a, me;af;a m<d;a iNd uka;%sjrfhla isáfhah’ Tyq iEu w;skau ¥Is; mqoa.,fhls’ Tyqf.ka jevla .kakg kï osh hq;=uh’ ldka;djla .sfhd;a Tyq iuÕ /hla .; l< hq;=h’ fudyq .ek m<df;a ;reKhka ;=< we;sjQfha oeä wm%idohls’ upx fï hld ysáfhd;a uq¿ m<d;u bjrhs’ m.djla ke;sj jevla lr .kak nE’

oeka fl,af,da lS fofkla wudrefj ou,o’ uQg kï jevla fokak ´kE’ .fï ;rKhka fofofkla l;d l<y’ ta jqKdg upx fï hldg .y, wmsg ysf¾ hkakhs fjkafka’ ysf¾ .sh;a lula kE’ uQg jevla oS,d’ fufia lS ;reKfhla w;ruÕ /l isg uka;%sjrhd w,a,d .;af;ah’ fï uka;%s;=ud jevms<sfj< kï yß kE’ fï m<df;a .Ekq <uhs bkafka ;uqfig ì,s .kak fkfõ’ ldgo hflda l;d lrkafka’ ux lrkafka

ug ´kE foa’’ WUg reodjo@ ;reKhd <xù uka;%sjrhdf.a lñifhka w,a,d .;af;ah’ túgu Tyqg lk yryd ;o myrla t,a, úh’ lfkka f,a .,kakg úh’ biamsß;df,g .syska fnfy;a od.kakjd’ ta uka;%sjrhd ;reKhdg remsh,a 100 la oS hkakg .sfhah’

wr ;reKhd oeka .d,a, uy frdayf,a m%;sldr ,nhs’ l¿;r me;af;a ;reKfhla <ÕoS újdy úh’ Tyqf.a ìßh b;d rEu;ah’ fï m<df;a isák m%dfoaYSh iNd uka;%sjrhl= weh iuÕ ñ;%ù isák njg wdrxÑ m< úh’ wr ;reKhd l¾udka;Yd,djl ? uqr jevh lrhs’ fï uka;%sjrhd rd;%shg Tyqf.a ìßh n,d .kshs’ upx ugkï oeka b|, jevla kE’ uu ? uqr jefâg hkjd’ uka;%sjrhd ?g uf.a .Eks uqr lrkjd’ talkï oeka uq¿ .uu okakjd’ fudllao ux fïlg lrkafka’’ lrkakg kï jev f.dvla ;sfhkjd’ ñksyg .y, jefâ bjr fjkafk kE’ WUg Iqj¾o yeuodu uka;%s WU,f. ßx.kjd lsh,d’

Tõ upx ug Iqj¾ tfyu kï fmd,sishg .sys,a,d rd,ydñ,;a tlal ?g weú,a, w;gu w,a,.kska’ ñ;=rdf.a Wmfoia mßos wr ;reKhd oskla fmd,sisho iuÕ uy? wdfõh’ uka;%s;=ud ;u ìßh iuÕ isákq w;gu w,a,d .ekSug fmd,sishg yels úh’ ux leue;shs fuh;a tlal újdy fjkak’ l,skq;a fuhd uf.a fmïj;sh fj,d ysáhd’ uka;%sjrhd fmd,sishg lSh’ ud;a leue;shs ;reKsh lSh’ oeka uka;%sjrhd wr ldka;dj iuÕ újdy ù osú f.jhs’

kñ-.ñ iys; iñmQ¾K ,smshla bÈß‍fha§ n,dfmdfrd;a;=jkak'

l=,;=x. fidaur;ak

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