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uu;a orejkag wdofrhs''
orejka jvdf.k bU,d Wv odk
fndre ikao¾Yk uf.a kE''
rdcmla‍If.a wd¾:slh fmf¾;

rdcmla‍I wd¾:slh fmf¾; wd¾:slhla nj;a iqu,a fmf¾rd" ksu,a fmf¾rd" Oïñl fmf¾rd yd m;srf.a ta wd¾:slh wdrlaId lrmq i;rjrï foújre jQ nj;a w.ue;s rks,a úC%uisxy uy;d mjihs'

uykqjr tcdm C%shdldßl yuqula wu;ñka ta uy;d fufiao woyia m, lf,ah'

rdcmlaI wd¾:slh fmf¾; wd¾:slhla' tafl m‍%Odk lmqfjd fokakd ;uhs wð;a lírd,a yd mS'î chiqkaor lshkafka' fï rdcmlaI wd¾:slhg wrla .;a i;r jrï foújre ysáhd' iqu,a fmf¾rd" ksu,a fmf¾rd" Oïñl fmf¾rd yd m;srf.a lsh,d'

rfÜ ishhg wkQ kjhla ck;dj nÿ nßka ÿla ú`Èkfldg fï i;r jrï foújre leisfkda" t;fkda,a yd ;j;a úúO cdjdrï C%shd;aul lrñka fï fmf¾; rdcmlaI wd¾:slh wdrlaId l<d'

uu orejkag wdofrhs' ta;a orejkag jvdf.k bU,d Wv od,d fndre udOH ikao¾Yk odkak uu leu;s keye' fï orejkaf.a wkd.;h id¾:l lrkak wms fjku wud;HxYhla ia:dms; fldg ;sfhkjd'

orejkaf.a wdydrj," lsßmsáj, nÿ wvq fldg ;sfnkjd' fndrejg orejka jvd fkd.;a;g rfÜ orejkag we;a;gu wdorh lrkafka ljqo lsh, rfÜ ck;djg oeka f;areï hdú’

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