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udkj ysñlï jd¾;dj
kshñ; Èkhg ksl=;a
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cd;Hka;rfha iyfhda.fhka wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla mj;ajk njg j;auka rch isÿlr we;s m%ldYh ms<sn|j cd;Hka;rfha wjOdkh fhduq úhhq;=hs''

Y%S ,xldj iïnkaO tlai;a cd;skaf.a udkj ysñlï ms<sn| úu¾Yk jd¾;dj m%udohlska  f;drj kshñ; Èkg ksl=;a l<hq;= nj fou< cd;sl ikaOdkh mjihs'

tu mlaIfha kdhl wd¾'iïnkaOka uy;d mjikafka wod< jd¾;dj kshñ; mßÈ ksl=;a l<hq;= njg Èkj, wfußld iy n%s;dkH ksfhdað;hska yuqjq wjia:dfõ § o ;uka meyeÈ,s l< njhs' 2014 jif¾§ iïï; lr.;a fhdackdjlg wkqj wdrïN l< úu¾Ykfha lghq;= fï jk úg wjika ú we;s njg ;ud úYajdih m< lrk nj î'î'iS f,dal fiajh iu. idlÉPdjlg tlafjñka  wd¾'iïnkaOka uy;d fï nj i|yka lr ;sfí'

i;Hh f;dr;=re we;=<;a wmlaImd;s iy iy idOdrK jd¾;djla fï yryd ksl=;a lrk njg n%s;dkH iy wfußldkq ksfhdað;hska ;udg m%ldY l< nj wd¾'iïnkaOka uy;d mjid we;'

flfia fj;;a cd;Hka;rfha iyfhda.fhka wNHka;r mÍlaIKhla mj;ajk njg j;auka rch isÿlr we;s m%ldYh ms<sn|j cd;Hka;rfha wjOdkh fhduq úhhq;= njo Tyq m%ldY lr ;sfí'

fou< ck;dj §¾> ld,hl isg uqyqKfok .eg¿ ksrdlrKh lsßu w;HjYH nj;a" rfÜ ish¿ ck;dj w;r ienE wjfndaOhla iy iudkd;au;dj u; mokï jQ iduh iy ixysÈhdj we;s úhhq;= nj;a iïnkaOka uy;d fmkajd fohs'

fï w;r od W;=re m<d;a iNdj úiska iïï; lr.;a fhdackdjg .re lsßu hq;=lula nj i|yka l< iïnkaOka uy;d tu m<df;a isÿ jQ ienE foa i`.jd .eg¿ j,g úi÷ï fiúug W;aiy lsßfuka lsisÿ hym;la Wod fkdjk nj  o lshd isáfhah'

-wo forK

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