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wmsg mdf¾ neye, hkak nE
ysreKsldf.ka fodaiauqrhla (video)

ysgmq md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S Ndr; ,laIauka fma%upkao% uy;df.a >d;kh iïnkaOfhka md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ÿñkao is,ajd uy;d w;awvx.=jg fkd.ekSu .ek niakdysr m<d;a iNd uka;%Sks ysreKsld fma%upkao% fufkúh m%Yak l<dh'

weh fï nj mejiQfõ Bfha ^11& udOH yuqjla wu;ñks'

zzuf.a mshdj >d;kh ùug uQ,sl fya;=j ;uhs ÿñkao is,ajdf.a l=vq cdjdru .ek m%isoaêfha fy<s lsÍu tfyu lsh,d ;sfhoaÈ;a ug ;sfhk .egÆj ;uhs wehs fï mqoa.,hdj w;awvx.=jg .kafka ke;af;a lsh,d'ZZ hehs uka;%Sjßh mejiqjdh'

fï rfÜ ck;dj ffu;%Smd, ckdêm;s;=udg Pkafoa ÿkafka nvqñ, wvqlrk tlg ú;rla fkfuhs' fï fydre w,a,shs lsh,d' ckdêm;s;=ud" uu" rkacka rdukdhl weu;s;=ud wfkl=;a ishÆu ue;s weu;sjreka m%Odk jYfhkau l;d lrmq pïmsl rKjl weu;s;=ud" rdð; fiakdr;ak weu;s;=ud fï yeu flkdu lsõfõ iafÜÊj, fuf;la ld,hla fï rg we;=f<a rdcmlaI mjq, ta jfÜ bkak Woúh weu;s uKav,fha iuyr wh lrmq fydr jxpd ¥IK ms<sn|j' ck;dj Pkaoh ÿkafka tajd j,lajhs ta foaj,a Tlafldgu kej;Sfï ;s; ;shhs' ta yeu foalgu ovqjï fohs lsh,d ;uhs wmsg Pkafoa ÿkafka oeka wmsg;a mdf¾ neye, hkak neß ;;a;ajhla ;sfhkafka'ZZ hehs weh wjOdrKh l<dh'

tu ùäfhdaj my;ska krUkak 

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