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f;dare fudare
isáoa§ yd,aueia‌ika we,a,Su
rch wmlS¾;shg m;alsÍula‌ (Vidio)

bl=;a wdKa‌vqj iufha jerÈ lrmq uyd f;dare fudare me;a;l ;nd l=vd isoaê muKla‌ w,a,df.k È.g weof.k hkafka f,dl= je/Èlrejka wdrla‍Id lsÍug oehs ;udgo iel u;=ù we;ehs leìkÜ‌ udOH m%ldY weue;s rdð; fiakdr;ak uy;d mejiSh'
YIS ùrjxY fyda iqo¾uka ro,shf.dvf.a m%Yak wfkl=;a uy isoaëka iu. ne,Sfï§ m%Yak fkdjk njo fïjd lrkafka ljqrekao hkak fyd¢ka wjfndaO lrf.k isák njo weue;sjrhd lSh'

ldka;djla‌ w;awvx.=jg .ekSfuka ld;=<;a wkqlïmdjla‌ WmÈk njo fujeks foa isÿlr rch wmlS¾;shg m;a lsÍug iuyre W;aidy ork nj fmkS hk njo lS fiakdr;ak uy;d f;dare fudare jeks uydmßudK wmrdOlrejka fírkafka bÈßfha§ ;ukago fujeks ¥IK lsÍfï Wjukdfjka úh yels njo lshd isáfhah'

;j i;s lsysmhla‌ muKla‌ fï foi n,d isák nj;a ksjerÈ foa isÿ fkdjqKfyd;a jerÈlrejka wdrla‍Id lrk whf.a kï fy<sorõ lrk njo lSh'

fï wdKa‌vqj ;=< jerÈlrejka wdrla‍Id lsÍfï ã,alrejka isák nj ;ud ms<s.kakd njo jrm%ido yd fjk;a .kqfokq u; fï foaj,a lrkq we;s nj úYajdi lrk njo lS weue;sjrhd ;ud;a pïmsl weue;sjrhd;a weue;s uKa‌v,fha;a wdKa‌vqj ;=<;a È.ska È.gu fï .ek m%Yak lrk nj lSh'

rks,a O¾ufiak 

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