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ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaIf.a
uqla;sh wjika - kS;sfhka o`vqjï
fok nj nj wêlrK weu;s
úfcaodi lshhs''

wdKavql%u jHjia:dfjka ckdêm;sg ;sfnk uqla;sh ksid ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;dg kS;sfhka fífrkak yels njg we;euqka woyia m< l<;a Tyqf.a uqla;sh wjika ù we;s ksid Tyq l< ´kEu jrolg kS;sh l%shd;aul lsÍug yelshdj we;ehs wêlrK iy lïlre weu;s ckdêm;s kS;s{ úfcaodi rdcmlaI uy;d fmkajd fohs'

fuu ;;a;ajh meyeÈ,sj ks¾jpkh ù we;ehs mjik wêlrK weue;sjrhd pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl l=udr;=x. ysgmq ckdêm;sksh iïnkaO fjdag¾ia taÊ kvqfõ ;Skaÿj thg mQ¾jdo¾Y imhd we;ehso mjihs'

¥Is; mqoa.,hskag o`vqjï lsÍu i|yd w,a,ia fyda ¥IK fldñiug wu;rj wmrdO mÍlaIK fomd¾;fïka;=fõ fjku mÍlaIKhla isÿlrk nj i|yka lrk wêlrK weue;sjrhd thg wu;rj uydmßudK isÿùï iïnkaOfhka mÍlaIK isÿlsÍu i|yd fjku wxYhla wÆ;ska we;s lrk nj o i|yka lrhs'

wod< lghq;=j,g wu;rj úYd, uqo,a wl%ñl;d fukau ck;d uqo,a kdia;s l< wjia:d iïnkaOfhka fidhd ne,Su i|yd úfYaI ckdêm;s fldñiula m;a lrk njo weue;sjrhd jeäÿrg;a i|yka lrhs'

l=ula fyda fpdaokdjlg jerÈlre lr uyskao rdcmlaIf.a m%cd whs;sh wfydais l< yelsoehs fidhd n,k f,i j.lsj hq;= mqoa.,hkayg Wmfoia ,eî we;s nj foaYmd,k wdrkaÑ ud¾. mjihs'

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