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kjl joh ksid
f.< je<,d.;a ;reKshf.a fmïj;d f*ianqla fj; 
tlal, ixfõ§ igyk

mkaksmsáfha msysá ksjil§ kjl joh bjid.; fkdyelsj inr.uqj úYaj úoHd,fha jHjydßl úoHd mSGfha m<uq jif¾ isiqúhla fmf¾od ^16& f., je,,df.k ñhf.dia we;s ixfõ§ mqj;la wms wo WoEik Tnfj; jd¾;d l,d' tia'tia' wud,s p;=ßld kue;s fuu iriú isiqúh mkaksmsáh" udUq,af.dv wxl 114$2 ork ksjfia mÈxÑj isg we;s w;r weh ñhhk úg 23jk úfha miqúh'
fuu yÈis ñhhEu fya;=fjka fï jk úg wehf.a fmïj;d fukau ñ;=ßhka /ilao b;du;a lK.dgqjg m;aj ;sfnkjd'

tfukau wehf.a fmïj;d fï jk úg Tyqf.a f*ianqla .sKqfï weh yÈisfhau Tyqj oud fuf<dúka iuq.;a ksidfjka wehf.a rEmhlao iuÛ b;d ixfõ§ ,smshla m<lr ;sfnkjd'

tys i|yka jkafka ‘‘uu Thdg yeuodu;a wdofrhs" ug Thdj ke;sjqkd" u;= WmÈk wd;aufha§ wms kej; yuqfjuq" uu uÛ n,df.k bkakjd wdfh;a Thdj uqK.efyklï" ksjka iem ,efíjd'‘‘ hkqfjkqhs'

tfukau wehf.a ñ;=ßhkao f*ianqla Tiafia weh fjkqfjka b;d ixfõ§ woyia /ila m<lr ;sfnkjd' tajd‍ my;ska'''

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