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uyskao foaYmd,khg @
rka ;%sY=,hla ߧ mvqrla Tmamq lrhs

uyskao rdcmlaI ysgmq ckm;s wo Wfoa 8'12g fhÿKq kel;g l;r.u uyd foajd,hg rkska ksu l< w.,a yhla Wie;s ;%sY=,hl ߧ mvqrla .eg .id Ndrhla Tmamq lf<ah'

ÿgq .euqKq rc;=ud hqo ìug hEug fmr fujeks Ndrhla Tmamq l< nj ckm%jdofha i|ykah' ta wkqj fuu Ndrfha úfYaI;ajhla ;sìh yels nj fndfyda fofkla lsh;s'

we;eï úg ysgmq ckm;s h<s foaYmd,k msúiSfï woyila tys ;sìh yels nj fndfyda fofkla lsh;s'

ysgmq ckm;s l;r.u .sfha fmr Èk bßod h' wiQ ydr oyfia myka mskalulg yd lsßfjfyf¾ i¾j rd;%sl mß;%dK O¾u foaYkhlg iyNd.S ùug Tyq o" Tyqf.a ìßh Ysrka;s" orejka jk kdu,a rdcmlaI" fhdaIs; rdcmlaI" niakdhl ks<fï yd {d;s mq;% YISkao% rdcmlaI" Woh .ïukams, yd .dñKS f,dl=f.a uy;ajre o meñK isáhy'

tfy;a fjkod ckm;s l;r.u hk úg fkdjrojdu hk yïnkaf;dg Èia;%slalfha iy fudKrd., Èia;%slalfha m%dfoaYSh foaYmd,k{hka meñK fkdisàu lemS fmksks'

ysgmq ckm;s /.;a jdykh o iu. ;j;a jdyk myla lsßfjfyr md,fuka tf.dv ù uyd foajd,h msgqmi mdfrka tys msúfioa § foajd,h iómfha f.aÜgqj jid ;sìKs'

tys h;=r laIKslju fidhd .; fkdyels úh' t;ek § jdykj,ska nei ysgmq ckm;s foajd,hg mhska .sfhah'

ysgmq ckm;s rd;%sh .; lf<a lsßfjfyr úY%du Yd,dfõ h'

wo ^23& fmrjrefõ Tyq l;r.ñka msg;a úh'

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