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Wkq;a tlhs uqkq;a tlhs fjhs o@
ysgmq ue;s weu;skag;a ;k;=re"
hdk jdyk yd bkaOk

ysgmq wud;Hjrekag" ksfhdacH wud;Hjrekag yd uka;‍%Sjrekag ks, jdyk ,nd§ug j;auka rcfha ckdêm;sjrhd m%uqL leìkÜ uKav,h ;SrKh lr we;s nj ta iïnkaOfhka ish¨u wud;HdxY f,alïjreka oekqj;a lsÍu i|yd ckdêm;s f,alï mS'î' wfífldaka uy;d hjk ,o ,smshlska ;yjqre fjhs' rcfha Èk ishfha jevigyk M,odhSj läkñka C%shd;aul lsÍu flfrys rcfha wjOdkh fhduqj we;s neúka tu ld¾hhka wëlaIKh lsÍug iydh§ug leu;s ue;s weu;s yd ksfhdacH weu;sjrekag fuu ks, jdyk ysñfõ'

ta wkqj ysgmq weu;sjrhl=g ks, jdyk folla ne.ska yd uka;‍%Sjrekag tla ks, jdykhla ne.ska ysñfõ' ßhÿrka yd bkaOk myiqluo Tjqka ,nk wëlaIKh lrkq ,nk wud;HdxYfha jeh YS¾Ifhka m%odkh flfrhs'

tfukau tjlg mej;s wd¾:sl ixj¾Ok wud;HdxYfhka fjkalr ÿka jdykhla ljr fyda uka;%Sjrhl=g fjkalr§ we;akï tu jdykho fuu kj jevms<sfj< hgf;a fjka lrÿka jdykhla f,i ie,lsh hq;= njgo ckdêm;s f,alïjrhd úiska hjk ,o ,smsfha i|ykah'

ckdêm;s f,alïjrhdf.a ,smshg wkqj wëlaIK uka;‍%Sjrhl= i|yd ksfhdacH weu;sjrhl=g wod< bkaOk m‍%udKh ,ndÈh hq;=fjhs' ckudOH wud;HdxYh yd md¾,sfïka;= lghq;= wud;HdxYfhkao wëla IK uka;‍%Sjrekag jdyk ,nd§ug kshñ;h'


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