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f.daGdg tfrysj
fpdaokd f.dkqlsÍug

uqyqÿ wdrlaIlhkayg tï'mS'tï'Ô' iy t,a'tï'Ô' keue;s wdhqO mdúÉÑhg wjir§ ;sîu hymd,khg m%YakhlaÆ''

ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;d" rlakd,xld iy wejka .dâ fm!oa.,sl wdrlaIl fiajd i|yd iajhxl%sh wú Ndú;hg wkque;sh §u kS;shg mgyeksj isÿù ;sfí kï Tyqg tfrysj wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%yh hgf;a fpdaokd f.dkq lrk nj fmd,sish mjihs'

ta wkqj" wmrdO kvq úOdk ix.%yfha IImßÉfþofha 110 j.ka;sh m%ldr wod< fm!oa.,sl wdrlaIl fiajd wdh;k folu iajhxl%sh wú Ndú;h i|yd ,ndÿka wkque;sfha ffk;sl ;;a;ajh ms<sn| fmd,sia úu¾Yk wdrïNù we;'

fuys§ tï'mS'tï'Ô' iy t,a'tï'Ô' keue;s wdhqO mdúÉÑhg wjir§ ;sîu ke.S we;s nrm;<u m%Yakh ù ;sfí'

fï w;r" rlakd,xld iy wejka .dâ~ fm!oa.,sl wdrlaIl fiajd i|yd wkque;sh ,nd ÿkafka ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;df.a Wmfoia u; nj wdrlaIl wud;HdxYfha wod< úIhNdr ks,OdÍka ryia fmd,sishg m%ldY lr ;sfí'

ysgmq wdrlaIl f,alï f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;df.ka fï iïnkaOj ryia fmd,sish m%ldY ,nd .ekSug fmr ta uy;d hgf;a wdrlaIl wud;HdxYfha isá ks,OdÍka .Kkdjlf.a m%ldY igyka lrf.k we;'

tu m%ldYj,§ Tjqka i|yka lr we;af;a wod< wkque;sh i|yd f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;df.a mQ¾K wkque;sh ,enqKq njhs'

flfiajqjo ryia fmd,sish f.daGdNh rdcmlaI uy;df.ka m%Yak l< wjia:dfõ Tyq ryia fmd,sish bÈßm;a l< m%Yakdj,sfhka we;eï tajdg ms<s;=re ÿkak;a tu wkque;sh ,nd ÿka nj iDcqju mjid ke;s nj wdKavqfõ ~ÈkñK~ mqj;am; mjihs'

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