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kñka jQ ryis.;
yuqod l|jqrla

;%sl=Kdu<fha kdúl yuqod l|jqf¾ f.daGd kñka jQ ryis.; l|jqrl fou< jeishka 700la iy fou< mjq,a 35 la fjk fjku r|jd isá njg mejfik f;dr;re we;s nj fou< cd;sl ikaOdkh mjihs'

ta iïnkaOfhka mÍlaIKhla mj;ajd md¾,sfïka;=jg jd¾;djla bÈßm;a lrk f,i fou< cd;sl ikaOdkh md¾,sfïka;=fjka b,a,d isá nj hdmkh Èia;%sla md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S iqf¾Ia fma%upkao%ka uy;d î'î'iS'hg mejiqfõh'

b;d úYajdiodhl mqoa.,hskaf.ka ,enqKq f;dr;=rla u; fmnrjdß19 od md¾,sfïka;=jg f;dr;=re bÈßm;a lf<a ta iïnkaOfhka mÍlaIKhla mj;ajd md¾,sfïka;=jg jd¾;djla bÈßm;a lr .ekSfï wruqKska hehs fou< cd;sl ikaOdkfha iqf¾Ia fma%upkao%ka uka;%Sjrhd i|yka lf<ah'
uka;%Sjrhd f;dr;=re bÈßm;a l, mqoa.,hka ms<sn|j iy Tjqka l< iïmQ¾K úia;r fudkjdoehs l< úuiSul§ Tyq lshd isáfha ;uka i;=j we;s ishÆ f;dr;=re ck udOHhg fy,s l, fkdyels njhs'

flfia fj;;a ryis.;j r|jd f.k isá msßig kdúl yuqod g%la r: u.ska wdydr mdk iemhQ wkaou f;dr;=re iemhQ mqoa.,hka úiska úia;r l, nj lS uka;%Sjrhd"  tu mqoa.,hka ksoyia lf<ao tfia;a fkdue;skï Tjqkag isÿ jQfha l=ulao hkak .ek jydu mÍlaIK meje;aúh hq;= njo lshd isáfhah'

ryis .; l|jqf¾ r|jd isá mqoa.,hka fjk fjku r|jd isá w;r Tjqkag tlsfkld iu. lsisÿ iïnkaO;djla meje;aùug l|jqr ndr ks,OdÍka bv fkd;enQ njo ;ukag f;dr;=re iemhQ msßi lshd isá nj uka;%Sjrhd m%ldY lf<ah'

fï wkaoug mj;ajd f.k .sh ;j;a l|jqre we;s njg fou< jeishka ;=< úYd, ielhla mj;sk nj lS iqf¾Ia fma%upkao%ka uka;%Sjrhd ukakdru ro.=re rdhmamq fcdaIma ysñmdKka mejiQ mßÈ hqo iufha § w;=reoyka jQ njg iel flfrk 140000 f.a l:dj i;H hehs ms<s.ekSug fujeks ryis.; /|jqï l|jqre idOlhla jk njo lshd isáfhah'

hqo iufha§ w;=reoyka jQ mqoa.,hka ms<sn|j lreKq fidhd ne,Sug m;a l< úfYaI ckdêm;s fldñiu jir folla ;siafia /ia jk kuq;a fldñiug bÈßm;a jQ idlaIsj,g wkqj tlu iellrejl= fyda wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lsÍug fyda fidhd .ekSug fyda ks,OdÍkag fkdyelsù we;s neúka tu fldñiu ms<sn|jo lsisÿ úYajdihla ke;ehso uka;%Sjrhd m%ldY lf<ah'

fï iïnkaOfhka f;dr;=re oek.ekSug wNHka;r lghq;= yd uyck iduh ms<sn| wud;H fcdaka wur;=x. uy;d iïnkaO lr .ekSug .;a W;aidyh id¾:l jqfha ke;'

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