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ysgmq fmd,sia udOH m%ldYlf.ka
úfYaI fy<sorõjla
iqÿ jEka .ek idlaIs fokak
uu iqodkï (video)

iqÿ jEka ixialD;shg iïnkaO mqoa.,hska ms<sn| úu¾Ykhla isÿ lrkafka kï Bg idlaIs ,nd§ug ;uka iQodkï nj ysgmq fmd,sia udOH m%ldYl m%sYdka; chfldä uy;d mjihs'

úfoia .;j isá Tyq Èjhskg meóKsfuka miq Bfha udOH yuqjla le|jd fï nj m%ldY lf<ah'

;ukag rg yer hdug isÿjQ fya;=j ms<sn|j o ysgmq fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrhd tys§ woyia oelaùh'

fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrfhla f,i jir .Kkla fiajh l< ud yÈis‍fha ia:dk udre l< nj;a" udOH m%ldYl f,i ia:dk udre lrkakg fya;=j meje;s rchg wjYH mßÈ i;H jika fkdfldg udOHhg f;dr;=re§u hehs úYajdi lrk nj;a" ta uy;d mejiSh'

fmd,sia udOH m%ldYljrfhla f,i ;uka foaYmd,k{hskag wjYH mßÈ fmd,Sish lghq;= fkdlrk njg ksl=;a l< udOH ksfõokhla o ;ukag fujeks n,mEï t,a, ùug m%Odk f,i n,mE nj m%sYdka; chfldä uy;d lshd isáfhah' rch iufha rdcH wdrlaIl wud;HxYfha we;eï fyxphskaf.ka ;ukag ;¾ck t,a, jQ njo Tyq tys§ mejiSh'

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