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ffjoH iñ;d iukau,Sg 
remsh,a fldaá 18 la jkaÈ ,efnhs  (Video)

nKavdrkdhl iïuka;%K Yd,d N+ñfha msysá fjf<| m%o¾Yk l=áhla ysi u;g lvd jeàfuka iodld,sl wdndê; ;;a;ajhg m;ajQ ffjoH iñ;d iukau,S fukúhg îtïwhsiStÉ md,kdêlrfhka remsh,a ñ,shk 180 l jkaÈhla ,ndfok f,i kshu lrñka wo wef.a kvqj wjika jqKd'

2008 fmnrjdß 15 jeksod fld<U ffjoH úoHd,h u.ska meje;ajQ ffjoH m%o¾Ykhl fmr ie,iqï lghq;=j, ksr;j isáh§ tu wk;=r isÿjQ neúka tlS N+ñh Ndr nKavdrkdhl iïuka;%K Yd,d md,kdêldßfhka remsh,a ñ,shk 500l jkaÈhla ,ndfok f,i b,a,d ffjoH iñ;d iukau,S fukúh kS;s{ Ô'Ô'

 wre,am%.diï uy;d u.ska tu kvqj mjrd ;snq‚' tu kvqj wo le|jQ wjia:dfõ§ fuu ;SrKh ,enqKd'

fuu wk;=r ksid weh iodld,sl wdndê; ;;ajh m;ajQ w;r weh ±kg;a isákafka frdao mqgqfõh'

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