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widoa id,sf.a jmqrk
jev k;r lrjkak''
wmsj wdfh;a igkg leojkak tmd
- .,f.dvw;af;a {kidr ysñ'' /<sfha fn!oaO fldä tijQ nj lshñka cd;Ska w;r jmqrk uOHu m<d;a iNd uka;%S widoa id,s uy;df.a l%shdldrlï jyd keje;aùug lghq;= lrkakehs fndÿ n, fiakd ixúOdkfha uyf,alï rdclSh mKa‌ä; .,f.dvw;af;a {kidr ysñfhda Bfha ^19 jeksod& rcfhka" uqia‌,sï wd.ñl kdhlhkaf.ka iy foaYmd,{hskaf.ka b,a,d isáhy'
tfia lsÍu cd;Ska w;r iu.shg uy;a msájy,la‌ jkq we;s nj;a th fï fudfydf;a l< hq;= m%uqL ld¾hhla‌ nj;a Wkajykafia mejeiQy' /ia‌ùu fn!oaO fldä w;e;sj meje;ajQ wka;jd§ /ia‌ùula‌ njg widoa id,s uy;d lrk m%ldYh ;rfha fy<d olsk nj;a lS Wkajykafia fï fn!oaO rdcHfha fn!oaO fldä Oc w; oeÍu wka;jd§ jkafka flfiaoehs m%Yak l<y'

widoa id,s uy;dg fuu rg l=ula‌o@ fuu mßirh l=ula‌o fuys ñksiqkaf.a yeÕSï oekSï l=ula‌o hkak wu;lù we;s nj;a mejiQ mQcH .,f.dvw;af;a {dkidr ysñfhda ;uka jykafia,dj igkg fkdle|jkakehs ta uy;df.ka b,a,d isáhy' /<shg oejeka; ck .Õla‌ meñŒfuka widoa id,s uy;d wNsfhda.h mrdch ù we;s nj;a oeka ta uy;d foaYmd,kfhka iuq .; hq;= nj;a mejiQ Wkajykafia Tyq fkdlrkafka kï Tyqg we÷ï weÕ,d mdf¾ hd fkdyels nj lshd isáfhah'

.,f.dvw;af;a {kidr ysñfhda Bfha ^19 jeksod& tu woyia‌ m< lf<a lsre<mk fndaê fn!oaO ukaÈrfha mej;s udOH yuqjl§ woyia‌ ola‌jñks'

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