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DIG wkqr fiakdkdhl

fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,sia wêldÍ wkqr fiakdkdhl uy;dg tfrysj ,eî we;s meñKs,s iïnkaOfhka jydu mÍlaIK wdrïN lrk f,i úIh ndr wud;H fcdaka wur;=x. uy;d fmd,siam;sjrhdg we;ehs fmd,sia uq,ia:dk wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lrhs'

ìh.u úf,aÊ wêm;s fldaám;s jHdmdßl n¾kdâ chr;ak uy;d >d;khg iyh oelajQ njg ielmsg Bfha w;a wvx.=jg .;a tiatiamS jrhdg iy fmd,sia mÍlaIl jrhdg  iydh ÿka fcHIaG ksfhdacH fmd,sia wêldÍ wkqr fiakdkdhl uy;d ksoe,af,a isàu .ek o fcdaka wur;=x. weu;sjrhdg wdKavqfõ wNHka;rfhka u fpdaokd t,a,ù we;ehs mejfia'

ìh.u úf,aÊ wêm;s fldaám;s jHdmdßl n¾kdâ chr;ak uy;d lmd fldgd >d;kfha iellre jika lsÍug wdOdr wkqn, ÿkakehs  hdmkh fldÜGdi Ndr fcHIaG fmd,sia wêldÍ ùrisxy m;srK,df.a úu,fiak iy we,amsáh fldÜGdifha fmd,sia mÍlaIl wdkkao rdclreKd hk Wiia fmd,sia ks,OdÍka fofokd Bfha ^27& ryia fmd,sish úiska w;awvx.=jg .;af;ah'

>d;kh isÿlrk ld,fha§ fuu ks,OdÍka fofokd tiaàt*a tlg wkqhqla;j fiajh lr we;'

2012 fmnrjdß 20 fjksod ìh.u úf,aÊ wêm;s n¾kdâ chr;ak uy;d fodïfma§ >d;kh lrk ,o w;r thg iïnkaO chr;ak uy;df.a mq;%hdg by; lS fmd,sia ks,OdÍka fofokd mqmqrk o%jH ,nd § we;s njg f;dr;=re fy<s ù ;sfn'

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