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ùrjxYf.a kS;s{hkag ‍ufyia;%d;a foys lmhs
wêlrK lghq;=j,g foaYmd,kh tmd

ks;sfha wdêm;Hh;a wêlrKfha iajdêk;ajh;a wdrlaId jk mßÈ lghq;= lrk f,i okajd isá fld<U m%Odk ufyia;%d;a .sydka ms,msáh uy;d wêlrK lghq;=j,g foaYmd,kh weod fkd.kakd f,ig úrjxY uy;añh fjkqfjka fmkS isá kS;s{jrekag Bfha ^26& újD; wêlrKfhaÈ oeä fia wjjdo lf<ah'

fmf¾od ÈkfhaÈ wêlrK bÈßfha foaYmd,k l;djla lsßu ms<sn| wjOdrKh l< ufyaia;%d;ajrhd hymd,khla fyda fudkhï foaYmd,khla kS;sh bÈßfha fkdue;s nj fmkajd ÿkafkah' ñka bÈßhg foaYmd,k md¾Yslhka f.kajd fyda wêlrKhg leojd wêlrKhg wmydi fkdlrk f,ig o ufyaia;%d;ajrhd kS;s{jreka yuqfõ mejiSh' fmf¾od ÈkfhaÈ kvqj wjidk úfuka miqj wêlrKh bÈßmsgg meñ‚ ysgmq weue;s úu,a úrjxY uy;d udOHfõÈka yuqfõ m%ldYhla ksl=;a lf<ah'

tysÈ uyckhd wu;k whqßka Tyq lshd isáfha hymd,kh fpdaokd megjq .yk nj;a tu fpdaokd uÕska ish foaYmd,k .uk wdmiq yerùug fkdyels nj;ah' fufia mjikjd;a iuÕ /iaj isá msßi b;d Yíofhka yqf¾ oukakg úh'

fï lreK mdol lrñka ufyia;%d;ajrhd Bfha ^26& ish fiajdodhsldj fld<U cd;sl frday, fj; udre lrk f,i b,a,d YIs ùrjxY uy;añh fjkqfjka fudaiula f.dkq l< ks;s{hka yuqfõ wjOdrKh flf<ah' fï b,a,Su iïnkaOfhka lreKq i,ld ne,Su i|yd YIs ùrjxY uy;añh wo ^27& wêlrKhg bÈßm;a lrk f,i nkaOkd.dr wêldßjrhdg kshu l< ufyia;%d;ajrhd mqoa.,hska ,shdmÈxÑ lsßfï fomd¾;fïka;=fõ ks,Odßkag ish jd¾;d iuÕska wo Èk wêrlKfha fmkS isák f,i ksfhda. lf<ah'

jHdc f;dr;=re ú.uk fomd¾;fïka;=j fj; bÈßm;a lr wúêu;a úfoaY .uka n,m;%hla ,nd .ekS‍u yd n,m;% folla Ndú;d lsßfï fpdaokdj ,;a oekg rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.;j YIs ùrjxY uy;añh je,slv ldka;d /où jdÜgqfõ r|jd isà' ckdêm;s kS;s{ chka; ùrisxy uy;d iuÕ kS;s{ ixch .uf.a uy;d wêlrKh fj; fudaiu f.dkq lrkq ,enqy'

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