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weußldkq ;dkdm;s fiajfhka kej; le|jQ
 flfy<shf. ÿj pñ;%s 
wdfh tfy bkak g%hs lr,d

miq.shod kj rch n,hg m;ajQ miq Y%S ,xld úfoaY fiajhg foaYmd,k ys;j;alï u; m;a l< 36 fofkl= kej; furgg f.kajd ;snqKd' ta w;r weußldfõ isák ysgmq weue;s flfy,sh rïnq,aje,a,f.a Èh‚h pñ;%s rUqlaje,a,o isáhd'

fuu kej; le|ùu u.yer ;jÿrg;a ksõfhdalays /£ isàfï W;aidyhl weh fh§ we;af;a Wml%uYS,S f,ihs' 2011 j¾Ifha isg Y%S ,xldj fjkqfjka ksõfhdalays tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ks;H ksfhdað;hkaf.a fojk f,alï f,i isá wehg jir fol wjidkfha 2013 j¾Ifha fiajd È.=lsÍulska miq 2015 f;la isàug wjir ;sî we;'

úfoaY wud;HxYhg ,smshla tjQ weh mjik wdldrhg oekg weh tlai;a cd;Skaf.a ixúOdkfha wdishd *eismsla lKavdhfï ieisjdr ixúOdkh lsÍfï lñgqfõ ork Wm iNdm;s Oqr ld,h wjika jkafka 2015 cQ,s udifha§hs' fï ksid Oqr ld,h l,a bl=;a ùug fmr ,xldjg kej; le|ùu ksid Y%S ,xldj tu lñgqj iuÕ we;s in|;d w;ayer oeóula isoaOúh yels nj lshd we;s w;r th ,xldjg fyd| ke;s nj lshd we;'

tu Oqrh ,xldfõ fjk;a úfoaY ksfhdað;fhl=g mejßh fkdyels jkafka wef.a fm!oa.,sl olaI;dj u; tu ;k;=r ysñj ;sfnk nj;a wehnd.;a ksid njo weh okajd we;' kuq;a úfoaY wud;HxYh wef.a fuu ;¾lh ms<sf.k ke;' Tjka mjik wdldrhg fuh tla mqoa.f,l=g ysñ jQjla fkdj rgg ysñ j ;k;=rls' tu ksid ñg miq m;ajk ljr ks,Odßfhl=g fyda fï ;k;=r bfíu ysñ jkq we;s nj okajd wehg blauKska tkakg lshd we;'

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