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18 jeksodg wdihs nhhs
- nkaÿ,

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d h<s n,hg f.k tau i|yd lemjk kuq;a ,nk 18 jeksod meje;afjk foaYmd,k /<shg kï ;uka hkafka ke;ehs ysgmq wOHdmk weu;s nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok uy;d lshhs' /<shg fkdhkafka Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaI uOHu ldrl iNdj úiska .;a ;SrKhla ksid hehso Bg iyNd.sùu úkh lvlsÍula hehso ta uy;d fmkajdÿkafka Bfha ^16& mqxÑ fnd/,a, jðrdY%u fn!oaO uOHia:dkfha meje;s udOH yuqjl§h' /<shg 5000la f.keú;a fmkakqfjd;a ;uka foaYmd,kfhka iuq.kakd njg uOHu m<d;a iNd tcdm uka;%S widoa id,s od l< m%ldYhg m%;spdr oelaùu udOH yuqfõ wruqK jQ w;r tys§ nkaÿ, .=Kj¾Ok uy;d lshd isáfha id,sg todg iuq.ekSu iaÒr lr.kakd f,ihs'

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d b;sydifha cd;sl ùrfhla nj;a" Tyqg tfrysj úYd, m%ydrhla foaYSh yd cd;Hka;rj úúO n,fõ. úiska t,a, lrk nj;a" fyf;u fmkajdÿkafkah'

18 jeksod /iaùu ixúOdkh lrkafka Y%S,ksmh fkdjk njo" Bg iyNd.s fkdjk f,ig Y%S,ksm uOHu ldrl iNdj oekqï§ we;s njo" mejiQ ysgmq weu;sjrhd bÈß ue;sjrKhl§ tcdmh h<s n,hg ‍taug bvfkdfok njo" wjOdrKh lf<ah'

/<shg iyNd.s jqfKd;a úkh lvlsÍula kï neßfj,dj;a .sfhd;a mlaIfhka bj;a lrkjdoehs udOHfõ§ka ysgmq weu;s nkaÿ,f.ka tys§ m%Yak lf<ah'

Bg ysgmq weu;sjrhd lshd isáfha “,laI 58g wms;a whs;s' kuq;a mlaI uOHu ldrl iNdfõ ;SrKh ksid .re lrñka hkafka kE'ug hkak Wjukdj ;snqKd' ta;a uu uOHu ldrl iNdfõ ;SrKhg .re lr,d hkafka kE' 58,laIfha bkak ksid hkak;a mq¿jka' whs;shla ;sfhkjdfka hkqfjks'

-wo forK

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