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wejka.d¾â ysñlre
khsÔßhdjg hkak

fld<U msgfldaÜfÜ wejka.d¾â fußghsï iud.fï iNdm;s tÉ' ksYaYkal hdmd fiakdêm;s uy;d úfoia.; ùug l< b,a,Su .ek kS;sm;s u;h okajk f,i fld<U m%Odk ufyaia;%d;a .sydka ms,msáh uy;d Bfha ^09& kS;sm;sg ksfhda. lf<ah'

Y%S ,xldjg rg i,a,so Wmhd§fï mshjrla jk khsÔßhd fin¿ka mqyqKq lsÍug Tyqg khsÔßhdjg hdug wjir fok fuka b,a,ñka ckdêm;s kS;s{ ÿf,akao% ùriQßh uy;d fï b,a,Su f.dkqlr ;sìks'

.d,a, jrdfha uykqjr kï hd;%dfõ .nvdlr ;snQ wú f;d.hla iïnkaOfhka fiakdêm;s uy;dg tfrysj ryia fmd,sish mÍlaIK mßlaIKhla mj;ajkq ,nhs'

fiakdêm;s uy;d fuu isoaêfha iellrejl= f,i kï l<fyd;a Tyq ryia fmd,sish u. yer isàfï keUqrejla we;ehs ryia fmd,sia mÍlaIl î'úfcaodi uy;d wêlrKhg mejiSh'

flfiajqjo fuf;la Tyq iellrejl= lr ke;s nj Tyqf.a kS;s{jrhd lSfõh'

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