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hdmkfha yuqod l|jqre oeka
bj;a lrf.k hkjd''
uqyudf,a uqrlfmdÆ bj;a lr,d''
biairyg n,uq - {dkidr ysñ

ysgmq ckm;s uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d h<s foaYmd,k fõÈldjg f.ktau iïnkaOfhka isÿjk l;d ny .ek ;ju ks.ukhlg meñK ke;ehs fndÿn,fiakd ixúOdkh mjihs'

ta iïnkaOfhka bÈßfha mj;sk ;;a;ajh .ek wjOdkh fhduq lr woyia oelaùug n,dfmdfrd;a;= jk nj tys uyf,alï mQcH .,f.dvw;af;a {dkidr iajdñka jykafia wo fmrjrefõ mej;s udOH yuqjl§ lshd isáfha udOHfõÈfhl= ta .ek weiQ mekhlg ms<s;=re f,ih' rch iufha§ isÿj we;ehs lshk ¥IK jxpd fiùug ckm;s fldñiula m;alrk njg ckm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;d Bfha l< m%ldYh .ek o udOH m%Yak l< wjia:dfõ Wkajykafia lshd isáfha wmsg kï fmakafka ‍Tlafldu fydre hkqfjks'

udOH bÈßfha we;euqka jerÈlrejka jk nj;a" Widúhg f.k .sh úg Tjqka ksjerÈlrejka jk wdldrhla olakg we;s nj;a" {dkidr  ysñhka mejiqfõh'

fï ksid udOH ixo¾Yk fkdlr kS;sh yuqjg muqKqjd wod< mqoa.,hskag tfrysj kS;suh l%shdud¾. .ekSu jeo.;a nj Wkajykafia fmkajdÿkafkah'

hdmkfha yuqod l|jqre oeka bj;a lrf.k hñka we;s njo" uqyudf,a uqrlfmdÆ bj;a lr we;s njo" udOH yuqfõ§ lsheúK'

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